YOUTH SPORTS: Volleyball signup time for 10-to-11-year-olds

That’s “Coach Al” and his 10-to-11-year-olds’ volleyball team from last year. He asked us to share this announcement that registration is open for this year:

Sign-ups are now open for 10–11-year-old volleyball players at High Point Community Center:

Come have some fun while learning the awesome game of volleyball in a fun, supportive, and encouraging environment by a coach who’s passionate about the game!

Open to 10–11-year-olds regardless of experience level who want to learn the sport and improve their skills while building team camaraderie and competing against other centers throughout the city, culminating in an ‘All-City Jamboree’ in November.

High Point Community Center (6920 34th Ave SW) is now open for registration for play beginning the first week of September.

There are only 12 spots available on the roster so get your child(ren) signed-up right away.

Registration and more information can be had by calling 206-684-7422.

5 Replies to "YOUTH SPORTS: Volleyball signup time for 10-to-11-year-olds"

  • Volleyball Nut August 9, 2023 (10:08 am)

    The website says to call the community center to verify practice times. I called and they said that practice days/times depends on what the coach says. Any idea what day/time practices will be? It currently says 12:30AM-1:30AM Saturdays on the website, which I’m sure is incorrect. 

  • Coach AL August 9, 2023 (3:13 pm)

    Hey ‘VB Nut’,It’s my team the ad is recruiting for and I have no control over the Seattle Parks & Rec website.Historically I’ve held practice two nights a week, but may only get one night due to scheduling issues at HPCC.Ideally we’ll practice Monday and Thursday evenings 6-7:30, however it could only be one of those evenings.  I won’t have a final answer for “a couple more weeks” I’m told.Last season all matches were held on Saturday mornings at the Rainier Beach CC, the Parks department has yet to announce what they’ll be doing this season.Sadly I cannot give any more definite info than that at this time.Thanks for your inquiry! 

    • Volleyball Nut August 10, 2023 (3:28 pm)

      Thanks, Coach Al! We’re signed up and excited for new season to begin.  

  • Cayley August 13, 2023 (7:45 am)

    Coach Al – do they have to already be 10? My daughter turns 10 in January, but this may be too old for her. Thank you!

  • Coach AL August 13, 2023 (10:19 am)

    Cayley, Please call High Point CC for age details 206-684-7422

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