WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen green CR-V; car prowler

Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch so far today:

STOLEN GREEN CR-V: Sent by Louis:

Our family vehicle (1999 Honda CR-V, Green, #AND2976) was stolen last night on 40th Ave SW between SW Dakota St and SW Genesee St. I found out the car was missing on my way to work this morning at 6:30 am. We have reported the theft to SPD and have a report number: 2023-99460.

This additional photo shows various stickers on the left rear window.

CAR PROWLER: From an anonymous reader: “Wanted to alert you to attempted car prowl/car theft at my house last night (car in the driveway!). The prowler(s) were unsuccessful but would be good to have more people alerted to be watchful. I can’t pin the exact time – but I was not in view of my car between 9 pm on 4/12/23 and 4:45 am on 4/13/23. I’m at Upper Fauntleroy neighborhood (40th Ave SW).”

REMINDER: Questions for local police, about a specific incident, trend, or … ? Your next chance to ask is tonight at 6 pm during the rescheduled Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Council meeting, at the precinct (2300 SW Webster). If you want to attend by video or phone, we’ve now added that info to our calendar listing.

1 Reply to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Stolen green CR-V; car prowler"

  • DruggiePawtrol April 13, 2023 (10:24 pm)

    Regarding CAR PROWLER: be sure not to leave garage door openers in your cars.  Criminals search vehicles, hoping the openers are left in cup holders and clipped on sunshades. Should they see one, all they have to do is break a window, open your garage with your opener, unload all goods (or worse yet try to enter attached home), then leave in YOUR vehicle, robbing you of all belongings, sense of safety, and memories.  Tell neighbors to keep an eye on one another.  For the most part, neighbors don’t want to pry but they will alert you of strange situations 99.9% of the time.

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