‘School Street’ test planned alongside Lafayette Elementary

Genesee Hill Elementary has one, Roxhill Elementary has one, and now Lafayette Elementary is going to test a “School Street.”

Thanks to Anthony for the tip. “School Streets” are an SDOT program that prioritizes walking, biking, and rolling on a section of a street by a school from 7 am to 5 pm on days school is in session. For Lafayette, SDOT is going to start a month-long test on Wednesday, April 19th, for the section of SW Lander that runs along the south side of the school, between California and 45th SW (part of which already has a “streatery” for The Good Society). From the “School Streets” FAQ:

What does this mean for people getting to school?
– When possible, walk, roll, or bike with your child to school
– If you must drive to school, try parking a block or two away and finishing the trip on foot
– Students provided with district transportation or with mobility needs can access the block

What does this mean for drivers?
– People driving who need to get to home and businesses on a School Street are still able to drive on these streets. Drivers should use caution and yield to people.
– People enjoying the street should be mindful of drivers trying to get to homes as well

SDOT collected traffic data before the test and plans to collect data during the test. Here’s the notification flyer. Feedback is welcome at HealthyStreets@seattle.gov and by phone at 206-900-8760.

17 Replies to "'School Street' test planned alongside Lafayette Elementary"

  • Don Brubeck April 10, 2023 (3:53 pm)

    This is a great location to try a “School Street”.  It will make it safer and more sociable for students and parents arriving at and leaving Lafayette, and it should be a good for the Admiral Junction business district, encouraging foot traffic.  There are only two houses needing vehicle access to driveways on those blocks of Lander, and it is already a one-way street, so there is not much need for local access by car during school hours.  Hoping it will be a success.

  • Jaclyn April 10, 2023 (3:57 pm)

    OLG also has one, Myrtle between 35th and 34th. 

    • WSB April 10, 2023 (4:02 pm)

      That predates the “School Street” program – which might be why it’s not listed on SDOT’s page.

  • Shufflerunner April 10, 2023 (8:40 pm)

    I say we propose one for Alki and watch people’s heads explode. 

    • Reed April 11, 2023 (8:25 am)

      It is sad that heads would explode by doing nothing more than increasing the safety of small children getting to school.

      • beach teach April 11, 2023 (6:35 pm)

        What’s truly sad, is that the SPS and the designers were told three years ago that the Alki traffic problems needed to be addressed in the new design…. And yet, here we are with both completely ignoring the issues. The neighbors should NOT have to alter their lives when viable, SAFER, and more reasonable alternatives were suggested early on. The resulting design will create a traffic nightmare,  and sooner or later, a tragic accident that could be avoided. 

  • Lola April 11, 2023 (7:38 am)

    Shufflerunner,  We already have one down on Alki. Or do you propose we do it down by Alki Elementary?

  • The Playground Called April 11, 2023 (7:49 am)

    Lafayette’s playground is a barren expanse of asphalt, a truly sad excuse for a childrens outdoor environment. I can’t imagine why the kids need more asphalt of a School Street for socializing in. If the school street becomes permanent I hope SPS allocates budget to transform the back of school into a more humane and green landscape, and I’d love to help them do it. 

    • reed April 11, 2023 (11:25 am)

      What are School Streets?

      School Streets are open for people walking, rolling, and biking to school, and closed to pass through traffic, including parents. The goals are to encourage families to walk or bike to school and to provide a safer school environment by reducing traffic congestion. 

    • beach teach April 11, 2023 (6:46 pm)

      This highlights exactly why Lafayette should have been chosen as the site for the new (much larger…) elementary school. Very simply, they have the land…. At one point in the mid 1900’s Lafayette housed more than 1000 students. That’s why there is so much asphalt….. there used to be many, many portables on that site. Imagine the design they should have considered: a new parking area where the school building currently stands, and a beautiful, modern school down below, with plenty of room for a playground, AND a safer drop off /pick up area….. This would make MUCH more sense. (Just shaking my head….) 

      • Reed April 12, 2023 (5:13 am)

        The land is owned by Seattle Parks, not SPS, so I’d imagine land acquisition and taking away already limited park space in our city just to appease car drivers has a snowballs chance in hell of happening. 

  • Alley Neighbor April 11, 2023 (10:11 am)

    This is a good idea. My one addition would be to request that they make the alley for local and delivery/trash/recycle access only. While it is correctly pointed out above that there are only two driveways, there also is a very busy alley. There are 4 apartment buildings that can only access parking through that alley and a couple of houses that use it, as well – plus all the delivery trucks for PCC. However, there are many people who speed down that alley coming and going from PCC. I live in one of the apartments and have learned to pause and peek out before exiting after too many close calls. I do worry about someone speeding down that alley hitting kids or brewery patrons. 

  • Gina April 11, 2023 (1:03 pm)

    4 driveways, 2 alleyways.

    • Gina April 19, 2023 (8:00 am)

      None of the 4 corners at 45th & Lander have curb cuts for accessibility, which is really surprising for a busy school corridor!

  • BKsea April 20, 2023 (8:53 am)

    I assume this means no through traffic on that street? Why doesn’t it come out and say that?

    • Lafayette Parent April 20, 2023 (9:50 am)

      The signage that is out on Lander and 45th and Lander and 44th says “Street Closed.” The signage at 44th and Stevens says “Local Access Only” and “Closed to Thru Traffic.” 

  • Erik April 20, 2023 (9:38 am)

    I used to live in the apartments right next to this and can confirm that this “school street” change is literally nothing at all. Few ever actually drove that stretch since it is one way only out to California. Its basically the equivalent of spending taxpayer dollars to put a sign out that says “watch out for the children that were here before”.so pointless. Maybe SDOT can use their time doing something productive instead of this garbage…

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