Genesee Hill Elementary has one, Roxhill Elementary has one, and now Lafayette Elementary is going to test a “School Street.”
Thanks to Anthony for the tip. “School Streets” are an SDOT program that prioritizes walking, biking, and rolling on a section of a street by a school from 7 am to 5 pm on days school is in session. For Lafayette, SDOT is going to start a month-long test on Wednesday, April 19th, for the section of SW Lander that runs along the south side of the school, between California and 45th SW (part of which already has a “streatery” for The Good Society). From the “School Streets” FAQ:
What does this mean for people getting to school?
– When possible, walk, roll, or bike with your child to school
– If you must drive to school, try parking a block or two away and finishing the trip on foot
– Students provided with district transportation or with mobility needs can access the blockWhat does this mean for drivers?
– People driving who need to get to home and businesses on a School Street are still able to drive on these streets. Drivers should use caution and yield to people.
– People enjoying the street should be mindful of drivers trying to get to homes as well
SDOT collected traffic data before the test and plans to collect data during the test. Here’s the notification flyer. Feedback is welcome at and by phone at 206-900-8760.