Celebration of Life planned May 6 for Keith Grayson, 1947-2023

Family and friends will gather next month to celebrate the life of Keith Grayson. Here’s the remembrance they are sharing with the community now:

Keith Grayson, beloved husband, father, and grandfather, passed away on March 30, 2023.

He is survived by his wife Helen, his two children Matthew and Heather, and four grandchildren – as well as three brothers and their families.

Keith was well known in the West Seattle community as a football and baseball coach, owner of the Classic Barber Shop for over three decades, and as a lifetime resident. He loved fishing and watching the Washington Huskies play football, in addition to spending time with his family.

His Celebration of Life will be held on May 6th at noon at the Junction Church in West Seattle, followed by a reception at the West Seattle Eagles from 1:30 – 4:30 pm. Donations may be made to the Junction Church in lieu of flowers. He will be greatly missed.

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries and memorial announcements by request, free of charge. Please email the text, and a photo if available, to westseattleblog@gmail.com)

26 Replies to "Celebration of Life planned May 6 for Keith Grayson, 1947-2023"

  • Sillygoose April 18, 2023 (10:36 am)

    Keith was a great man, his barbershop was within my neighborhood so we would pass quite often on walks.  He was a very funny kind man who always had a current affair to discuss with humor.  Keith is missed.  Blessings to his family. 

  • Heather Grayson April 18, 2023 (12:14 pm)

    Thank You so much for your comment. :)

  • Laraine April 18, 2023 (2:12 pm)


    So sorry to hear of the passing of your Father, though I never met him I knew you well from working with you at Charlie’s Produce.

    My sincere condolences to you and your Family. 


    • Heather Grayson April 18, 2023 (4:12 pm)

      omg Laraine! I literally just thought about you the other day. Long time no talk! call me/text me sometime I would love to catch up. And ty for the condolences :) 206-574-8548

  • WestSide BestSide April 18, 2023 (2:31 pm)

    Keith was my Baseball coach from 1973-1977 ( approx ). Aside from the fact he was a great technical coach, he was even a better person.  Often times I did not have a ride to practice and he would drive out of his way to pick me up and drop me off ( BTW, he had a very cool green sedan, not sure what make it was but it sounded awesome coming down the street ). Anyway, he was always kind with the ability to get the most out of his players. We often won the league championships with Keith at the helm !!  We kept in touch as I progressed in sports through college but lost track of each other in the past 25 years. I often look back at the people who helped in my success and Keith Grayson was at the top of that list in my early days. I am sure hundreds of other players under Keith would have similar stories.  He truly enjoyed coaching and help  guide young men beyond athletics. Mr. Grayson, I salute you and thank you ! RIP

    • Heather Grayson April 18, 2023 (4:13 pm)

      This is such a beautiful comment. Thank You for this. 

  • CarDriver April 18, 2023 (2:37 pm)

    Got my 1st haircut at Classic Barber Shop in 1960. When Keith started there  I believe I never had another person cut my hair there until he retired. My head will never be the same. Another WS/Junction icon watching over us from above.

  • D April 18, 2023 (8:49 pm)

    My condolences to Keith’s family. I started going to the Classic Barber Shop a decade ago when I moved to West Seattle. Still do. I’ve always enjoyed getting my haircut there and chatting with Keith and Julie. 

  • Jack April 19, 2023 (7:06 am)

    Such a good man and a great friend   Was so lucky to have him in the junction right across the street  He’s been more than just a barber and way more than just a coach to so many   Loved trading haircuts for Xmas food trays every year   Had such a great way about him  will really miss him

    • Matt Grayson April 19, 2023 (8:06 pm)

      Thanks for the kind words Jack.  Those food trays were always a great Xmas tradition at our house:)

    • Heather Grayson April 20, 2023 (8:28 am)

      Thank you Jack. Matt said it perfectly. Those trays were delicious and a family tradition. 

  • Matt Carson April 19, 2023 (10:04 am)

     Helen, Matt and Heather,  So sorry to hear about Keith. I met him when I started coaching West Seattle Junior Football in 1975 and got haircuts from him until there wasn’t enough hair for a Classic Barbershop visit. Keith was one of those guys that was just fun to be around! Full of stories and a quick wit.  He wasn’t just a great football and baseball coach in West Seattle he was respected as one of the best in the city! Hundreds of kids learned advanced sports skills and have treasured memories and life lessons thanks to Coach Grayson.  He will be missed but not  forgotten.  

    • Matt Grayson April 19, 2023 (8:09 pm)

      Thanks Coach.  All those hours spent at West Seattle Stadium either watching his games or playing in mine were fun times.  

    • Heather Grayson April 20, 2023 (8:28 am)

      Ty ❤️

  • Rick April 19, 2023 (12:50 pm)

    Keith was part of the fabric of West Seattle. He will be missed. Condolences to Helen,Matt and Heather and pretty much anyone who ever knew or met him. He will be missed. – Rick the barber.

    • Matt Grayson April 19, 2023 (8:12 pm)

      Thanks for the condolences Rick.  

    • Heather Grayson April 20, 2023 (8:26 am)

      Thank you Rick. Appreciate it. 

  • Stubbs April 19, 2023 (7:43 pm)

    Helen, Matt, Heather,So sorry for you loss. Keith will be missed by all of West Seattle. He coached both of my sons, one in baseball and one in football. The Stubbs family had the pleasure and honor to spend a great deal of time and also travel with Keith. Condolences from our family to yours.

  • Carol April 21, 2023 (7:49 am)

    Keith has been a good friend to my husband Tony for almost a lifetime.  They entered the USAF together.  When Tony & I were first married, he introduced me to Keith & Helen.  We have shared many memorable times together throughout the years.  We certainly will miss Keith, and we will always be there for Helen, Matt, and Heather.  May they find peace in knowing Keith suffers no more.

  • Tricia Anderson April 25, 2023 (7:56 pm)

    Helen – I’m so sorry for your loss. I know that Keith will be missed by so many people. I miss seeing you at the Executive Assistant events!Sending love and prayers to you and your family. Trish

  • Loren April 27, 2023 (12:56 pm)

    First met Keith in about 1965, one of the first people I met when I moved to this neighborhood. He was a character for sure, always had a good story to tell and we had many a good time at the Luck Toy or the Eagles club back in the day. He cut my hair for about 30 years as well and was my go to guy for all the latest ws news. He knew everyone & everyone knew him. I’ll miss his sly smile and sharp wit & humor. My condolences to the family.

  • Dan Doyle May 5, 2023 (9:02 am)

    Coach Keith you will be missed my good friend. I’m another one that was coached and mentored by coach Gray’s. That was the nickname he gained by saying ” this pitching staff is making my gray hair fall  out , and at this age I only have a few left ”  :)  playing for Keith and Jack was a thrill and getting to know them better as friends is priceless. Then as an adult getting to assist them with coaching duties at Chief Sealth High School was an absolute education in baseball and life. Yep me too… Keith also cut my hair. Some times his funny take on issues and trends would leave to a buzz cut instead of a little off the top!!! :)  100’s of young ball players and parents life’s were changed because of you. Thank you.you will be missed my good friend. Grab a seat next to Coach Jack and go over the lineup for the next game and have a few refreshments. Helen and family god bless.

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