WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Three robberies, possibly related

11:15 PM: Police are investigating whether two West Seattle robberies tonight were committed by the same people, Right now they’re responding to the Shell station on Fauntleroy Way SW in The Triangle after a report that it was held up by two people described as Black, male, 16 or 17 years old, wearing masks and black jackets over hoodies and blue jeans; one had a black handgun. One officer pointed out to dispatch that the description matched that of two robbers who held up someone at California/Fauntleroy a few hours ago, getting away with the victim’s Air Pods. In that case, a getaway vehicle was reported, described as a black Hyundai SUV.

11:35 PM: And now a third robbery is reported, with two robbers matching that same description, this time at a gas station on the unincorporated side of Roxbury.

11 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Three robberies, possibly related"

  • Mike December 18, 2022 (6:28 am)

    I feel bad for the people threatened by deadly force.  Activist politicians implementing laxed laws on crime and an activist judicial system has been a trainwreck for everyone.

  • Pdavis December 18, 2022 (10:04 am)

    Thank you WSB for the descriptions of car and thieves so we can watch out as a community for the perpetrators

    • WSB December 18, 2022 (1:05 pm)

      Note that the vehicle may change – it seems the MO in many robberies and burglaries is to use a stolen car so the vehicle can’t be traced back to you.

  • Seattlite December 18, 2022 (3:37 pm)

    Isn’t it the parents’ responsibility to teach their children the basic fundamentals of right from wrong.  What kind of future do these teenagers have if they are in possession of what is probably an illegal aka stolen gun and willing to brandish it to commit robbery?  

    • Flo B December 18, 2022 (4:19 pm)

      Seattlite. You’re correct that it is the parents’ moral,legal,ethical responsibility. Sad reality is that nobody holds them to that. Guess it’s other parents guilty conscience………….

    • Jazz G December 18, 2022 (9:41 pm)

  • J December 18, 2022 (7:31 pm)

    These are young kids like 16 to 17. If some business owner is armed and decides to use their weapons it’s going to be bad. I have some pictures of these kids , I will upload it. Stay safe 

  • 1994 December 18, 2022 (10:29 pm)

    Dear robbers, you may think crime pays but just wait until the crimes catch up to you. Try getting a job before it is too late.  Lots of places are hiring. 

  • WTF December 18, 2022 (10:42 pm)

    I now carry a bear horn and I don’t care if anyone who violates me wakes up deaf the next day; at least anyone within a mile will hear it.

    • 1994 December 18, 2022 (11:33 pm)

      where do you purchase a bear horn? does it sound like those marine horns?

  • Lee December 21, 2022 (8:29 pm)

    were they yellow by any chance? the ear pods

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