WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Mail truck stolen; package found; seasonal prevention tips

Three West Seattle Crime Watch notes:

STOLEN MAIL TRUCK: We haven’t been able to scratch together further details on this – police reports won’t be available before Monday – so we’re just getting it on the record. Several readers tipped us about a photo posted on social media Friday afternoon with a USPS truck, unoccupied, at 36th/Dawson, and items strewn around. When we heard about this, we went over but it was gone. The police call to the area was coded “suspicious person or vehicle.” However, archived dispatch audio confirmed a USPS truck was indeed reported stolen from 36th/Snoqualmie around 1:45 pm, while the carrier was delivering mail, moments before the 36th/Dawson discovery. If you think your mail might have been stolen, here’s USPS advice on how to report it.

PACKAGE FOUND: Richard found an item it appears a package thief didn’t want:

I found this Amazon package yesterday (Fri 12/16) late afternoon on the side of the road, Fairmount Ave SW. The package was empty & they tore off the address label but the item appears unique that someone might benefit knowing it was likely stolen. The item is a Cherbie Wicked Ball SE (a smart pet ball). I’ll try to contact Amazon with what limited info I have but hopefully the buyer will receive a credit. This time of year it’s best to use Amazon lockers instead of having packages left on your doorstep.

SEASONAL CRIME-PREVENTION TIPS: Speaking of advice, the annual tips circulated by SPD are in this flyer sent by Southwest Precinct Crime Prevention Coordinator Jennifer Danner – package theft included. She also has officially announced the next community meeting at the precinct (West Seattle Crime Prevention Council) is scheduled for 7 pm Thursday, January 12th – with online and in-person attendance options.

20 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Mail truck stolen; package found; seasonal prevention tips"

  • Lucy December 17, 2022 (3:55 pm)

    Looks like a book they didn’t want.  Funny how you never hear of a bookstore being broken into and looted.  

    • WSB December 17, 2022 (11:39 pm)

      No, it was a pet toy.

  • Erithan December 17, 2022 (3:56 pm)

    An entire truck!? Yikes! That’s going to be such a pain for everyone this close to Christmas. :( I hate thieves!

  • Mark S December 17, 2022 (5:02 pm)

    If shopping at Amazon.com, using the Amazon Lockers is the way to go.  I have never had a package stolen from the Lockers.

    • 1994 December 17, 2022 (10:56 pm)

      Agree! The lockers are the way to go, they are all over the place, and often in well trafficked areas so I have felt safe picking up at the lockers.

  • Jim December 17, 2022 (6:22 pm)

    It’s pretty disturbing that we actually have to have “prevention tips” because the city won’t allow law enforcement to crack down on crime

    • WSB December 17, 2022 (6:38 pm)

      No, that’s not why they’re offering prevention tips (and it’s not true). They (and multitudes of other police departments around the country) have done this since time immemorial (example from our early years https://westseattleblog.com/2010/12/west-seattle-crime-watch-staying-safer-this-holiday ).

      • flimflam December 18, 2022 (6:53 am)

        WSB, I think its based in truth – most theft, shoplifting, mailbox ransacking is not prosecuted and therefore rarely actively enforced.

        • Anne December 18, 2022 (8:12 am)

          Baloney on your not” actively enforced” comment. 

        • WestSeattleBadTakes December 18, 2022 (9:53 am)

          Prosecution is not the only form of enforcement.

    • Brian December 17, 2022 (7:50 pm)

      Wow you just made that up on the spot, Jim. Impressive. 

  • Zipda December 17, 2022 (8:04 pm)

     Did this genius understand that this “getaway vehicle” goes like 30 mph max?

  • bill December 17, 2022 (8:21 pm)

    I’ve tried reporting found packages to Amazon. It’s not worth the bother. The phone reps don’t have a procedure to follow. Amazon doesn’t care, it’s easier for them to wait for the recipient to report the item lost and replace it. 

    • Oh Seattle December 19, 2022 (5:10 pm)

      When I worked at Amazon, anything under $1 million was considered immaterial.  There was rampant internal theft (actual organized theft rings of Amazon employees and contractors) but they were not interested in prosecuting because it was “only” tens of thousands of dollars per instance.

  • Karen B December 17, 2022 (9:00 pm)

    I live close to where the stolen mail truck was found. Didn’t see or hear anything unusual, although I’d noticed the mail truck parked there for longer than usual. This time of year, that isn’t uncommon – and speaking to Zipda’s comment – mail trucks are a perfect getaway vehicle in that they are a common sight in neighborhoods and no one expects to see them going fast or looks too closely at them. I didn’t realize anything was wrong until I noticed a neighbor who  had stopped to look at materials on the ground near the back of the truck. The police arrived shortly after that. One of the officers knocked on our door and I also saw them talking to other neighbors .  My impression is that another vehicle, a real getaway vehicle,  was involved and it arrived shortly after the mail truck did. The thief/thieves quickly transferred the contents of the mail truck into the getaway vehicle and left the mail truck behind where it was parked. One neighbor mentioned later that they saw a black SUV speeding down Dawson while the mail truck was there – they had called it in to police  around 1:30 or so.  If anyone on 36th – either north or south of Dawson – saw anything that might be helpful or has video footage from around that time, it might be helpful in providing a better description. 

  • Anne December 18, 2022 (7:08 am)

    Another recommendation for using Amazon Locker! The one I use is inside a business-so not available 24/7 like others that are outside-but that’s a plus for me. Very convenient.

  • Pdavis December 18, 2022 (9:55 am)

    I would think that the legal penalties for stealing mail of any kind is very serious and a federal offense. Hopefully someone has got video that will help out. In the meantime I guess some people will not be getting their presents.  Hopefully they will be caught.. but then again, you have to have a prosecuting attorney, and a judge that takes crime seriously and puts them in jail. WHY are we letting so many criminals go through a revolving door of crime and then back out on the street? regretfully. Also it discourages the police   (Who are seriously short staffed )to go through all the time and effort to find a criminal only to have the criminals receive a pat on the hand and be out on the streets soon there after. We’ve got a problem with our legal system. 

  • Ex-Westwood Resident December 19, 2022 (10:59 am)

    A package I have been waiting for since October was on that truck. I had tracked it from the day it was shipped to the day it was to be delivered.

    According to the PO, I must provide a receipt of the item before they will do anything. They suggested contacting the point of purchase, but it wasn’t their fault the package was stolen.

    And NO, it wasn’t bought from Amazon.

    And YES, one of the BIG reasons for the uptick in these types of crimes are the lax, or NO prosecution of these types of crimes. There is NO ramifications for the perpetrators if caught.

Sorry, comment time is over.