MYSTERY: Recognize the people in this photo?

If you do, you might be able to get some photos back to the people they belong to. Sent by Junction True Value:

We found a stack of photos behind True Value. We would like to get them back to the owners. If anyone knows these people, please reach out to Elwood or Rebecca @ the store.

Contact info is here.

9 Replies to "MYSTERY: Recognize the people in this photo?"

  • NW December 7, 2022 (5:43 pm)

    Found a bunch strewn about on Sw Dakota st while on my way to work this morning dozens upon dozens. I was able to just pickup a few. 

  • Rebecca December 7, 2022 (8:17 pm)

    Maybe related to the photos we found. They were mostly of a coupe, Some of them were R rated. And just a small amount of them were family photos.

  • Chris December 8, 2022 (12:01 pm)

    I found 130 photos on 39th and Dakota. There is another photo of the guy in the lawn chair.  Here is one of many wedding photos taken 12/29/2022. The pictures are spread across my living room floor drying out. 

  • Chris December 8, 2022 (12:04 pm)

    I found 130 photos on the corner of 39th & Dakota. There is another picture of the guy in the lawn chair. The photos are spread across my living room floor drying out. 

  • Chris December 8, 2022 (1:29 pm)

    Correction. Wedding photo taken 12/29/1984.I believe this is the same guy in the lawn chair. 

  • Neighbor December 8, 2022 (9:47 pm)

    When my house was burgled a few years ago, the thieves took a box of sentimental items, which included some old photos, we assume because it was labeled “Treasure” on the outside and they didn’t have time to rifle through it to figure out it was nothing of value to them. That experience makes me wonder if these were dumped after a burglary. Nice of you to post here.

  • Anders December 9, 2022 (10:06 am)

    To Rebecca, Chris, Elwood, Kudos to you for posting these. Most people would never bother to take the time, energy etc., for someone else’s memories. You never know when photos may be absolute and irreplaceable “Treasure” to the owner (and their heirs) as per Neighbor’s comment. It’s these small acts of caring and kindness -like yours toward unknown neighbors,  that are the individual stitches that hold our, and any, community together. Plus, another BIG reason while locally-owned businesses DO matter above and beyond commerce. Imagine Home Depot WS or Safeway offering a similar post or contact info. I can’t! If nobody claims them, and photos any have indications that they were taken in WS; check if interest to WS Historical Society.     EX. That guy sun baking in the lawn chair – fun and classic 70s life!        

  • Samantha Crowley December 10, 2022 (11:16 pm)

    I know who this family is pictured in the photos. I’ll reach out to them and have them go up to True Value. Thank you True Value and WSB. 

  • Chris December 11, 2022 (8:25 pm)

    Samantha, I have pictures as well.  Maybe WSB can provide you with my email address/cell, or you can send your contact information to me. I’d rather not publish my email or cell here. Let me know if there is an easy way to return the photos.

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