READER REPORT: Hit-run driver hits bicyclist on Alki

Thanks for the tips about a collision on Alki earlier this afternoon. The medical response was quickly downsized and we couldn’t get there in time, but Michael sent this photo and report:

Approximately 1 pm a car took out a bicyclist on Alki Avenue at 61st SW in front of Fire Taco. Witnesses say the car first sped south down Alki Avenue then made a U-turn to speed back north up Alki Avenue deliberately targeting the bicycle, accelerating to rear end the bike before speeding off. The accident was witnessed by many people (but not me) including the Route 50 bus driver parked at the intersection. Several people including the bus driver were able to provide the cops with the license plate number. Amazingly the bicyclist got up and declined medical attention, although his bicycle was pretty much totaled.

The police-call log shows the incident # for this is 22-271097. (added) Archived police-radio audio includes an initial description of the car as “white Chrysler.”

19 Replies to "READER REPORT: Hit-run driver hits bicyclist on Alki"

  • Beto October 9, 2022 (3:52 pm)

    Wow! What scary experience for everyone there. I’m very glad witnesses took the license plate number…I hope the driver doesn’t get a slap on the hand only!

  • Alkibiach October 9, 2022 (4:54 pm)

    We are sorry to hear about the bicyclist, and hope they are ok. A white car speeding excessively narrowly missed our car right after this on Alki Ave. Our first thought was they must be escaping a crime. Thank you WS Blog & Michael for the info. 

  • GF October 9, 2022 (5:11 pm)

    Enough. How is it someone would target someone out to enjoy the day? May this person look in the mirror each day and be ashamed. 

    • Anthony Avery October 9, 2022 (7:08 pm)

      And May they do it from a jail cell for 5-7 for assault with a deadly weapon.

  • Sasquatch October 9, 2022 (5:11 pm)

    With the recent attack on boaters at Don Armani boat ramp these criminals are getting bolder. Reinstall the security cams please. 

  • Mike October 9, 2022 (5:52 pm)

    WTF?? Somebody shouldn’t be driving, ever again…!

  • ohalki October 9, 2022 (6:03 pm)

    I lived on Alki Ave for many years. I saw some bad things (horrible accidents due to racing, shootings, drunk drivers throwing beer bottles into the street, homophobic chanting on a megaphone, dirty rap blasted in front of families with small children eating ice cream, etc.). It was also incredibly beautiful scenery, serene in the winter, and I loved my neighbors. Sigh. The split personality of Alki. Never surprised to see these posts, sadly. 

    • Odd son October 9, 2022 (8:10 pm)

      Yes, definitely a dichotomy. You listed good examples. Sadly, there many more.

    • John October 9, 2022 (9:05 pm)

      I’m not sure dirty rap falls into the same category as shootings!

      • Marcus October 10, 2022 (12:45 am)

        Really John!!!!!!

      • justwow October 10, 2022 (6:05 am)

        It’s gateway music, a precurser to dirty dancing.

    • James October 9, 2022 (11:41 pm)

      Is dirty rap that bad? I actually like when they play rap music on the beach. It’s a beach. Have you all been to Venice in LA??

      • sw October 10, 2022 (10:08 am)

        The contextual environment of Venice Beach and Alki Beach are hardly parallels.  

      • Resident October 10, 2022 (5:40 pm)

        How about we don’t compare two horrible things and because both are horrible say “oh well, must not be that bad.” If you want to listen to explicit music be my guest; I love rap! Just don’t do it in public where the people around you have to listen to it as well. Have some respect for those around you.

    • Jethro Marx October 10, 2022 (12:55 pm)

      I feel it is important to note that “dirty rap blasted in front of families with small children eating ice cream” is not illegal, and you are comparing it to running over a bicyclist. But it does give us some insight, when it comes to who is welcome at your beach. I’m still sorting out how the ice cream is relevant.

  • anonyme October 10, 2022 (7:54 am)

    As I hear more and more reports of incidents such as these, including the multiple shootings listed above, I just want to go somewhere far, far away from homo sapiens (the sapiens bit is a bit of a joke).

  • Felix Grounds October 10, 2022 (9:16 am)

    But it’s the cyclists waging a “war on cars”.

  • RayWest October 12, 2022 (9:34 am)

    Wow. The car “deliberately targeted” and then accelerated to rear-end the bike before speeding off. How is this an “accident”?  

  • West October 17, 2022 (4:40 am)

    I was almost hit by a car a few months ago while on a bike when a tweeker in a car was speeding and nearly hit me by a couple feet then had the nerve to harass me and tried to rob me but I somehow got away…  I still reported it for safety reasons it was very threatening and that guy was a mean piece of you know what

Sorry, comment time is over.