UPDATE: Gas-leak response at 30th/Juneau

5:24 PM: The big Seattle Fire response at 30th/Juneau is for a reported gas leak. Updates to come.

5:35 PM: Firefighters are checking the air in nearby residences to determine safety.

5:38 PM: They’re reducing the response to a few units, while waiting for the leak to be handled. Puget Sound Energy is on the scene.

5:42 PM: SFD reports that PSE has secured the leak.

4 Replies to "UPDATE: Gas-leak response at 30th/Juneau"

  • Susan October 5, 2022 (5:33 pm)

    Yeah drove by the jobsite with the spewing gas and workers said they had already called it in when we asked if they had…that was over 40 min ago, they were just sitting there…acting as if it was normal, said the pipe was too shallow…not sure who they called…suprised and happy it didnt blow up!

    • Laura October 5, 2022 (6:40 pm)

      No kidding! I live two doors down, and we didn’t even know what was happening until SFD knocked on our door to tell us to evacuate. I’m glad my windows were closed. I was seriously on WSB trying to see what all the noise was about, lol! 

  • Steve October 5, 2022 (5:58 pm)

    My house guests were sitting on the deck at Juneau and smelled it. Great response time. I guess it is at the construction site for the new house. 

  • Dan B. October 5, 2022 (6:11 pm)

    See the response from the small park to the south of the site

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