WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another store robbery; stolen Silverado pickup (update: found)

Two West Seattle Crime Watch reports this morning:

ANOTHER STORE ROBBERY: Police are investigating this one right now, at Sally Beauty in Westwood Village. Different description from last night’s mini-mart robberies – this time the robber is described as a white man in his 50s, medium build, black beanie, black face mask, gray hoodie, slim build, black skinny jeans, white sneakers, holding a black and silver gun in one hand as he left eastbound on SW Barton. Police told us at the scene that he got away with about $300 in cash.

STOLEN PICKUP: Sent this morning by Kelli:

My husband’s truck was stolen from out front of house. It was last seen at 10 pm last night, 44th Ave SW between Hanford and Hinds.

Chevy Silverado 1998, grayish brown color, license plate C22085D

It has several stickers on the back window including a crab in the lower left hand corner and. Washington state sticker in upper left with blue TR.


26 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Another store robbery; stolen Silverado pickup (update: found)"

  • Mark May 21, 2022 (12:14 pm)

    As someone new to this area, what is the breaking point? What can we all do as neighbors to help curtail this activity?? 

    • Mark Schletty May 21, 2022 (2:09 pm)

      Vote Herbold out of office. 

      • Mike May 21, 2022 (4:06 pm)


    • đź«Ł May 21, 2022 (7:01 pm)

      Maybe don’t read crime posts. If you hadn’t, you’d have no idea any of this happened and you’d be more at ease. 

      • Jim May 21, 2022 (10:14 pm)

        Yes because simply sticking our heads in the sand and ignoring reality will fix the problem 🙄

        • Orion May 22, 2022 (9:43 am)

          Except if you did your research you would know that crime has actually gone down over time and that we live in a safer city now than 30 years ago. So sensationalizing crime like this and blaming the city council just makes you sound ignorant of the facts. 

          • Alki resident May 22, 2022 (10:17 am)

            Actually Orion, it’s you who needs to do your research. Your comment is not based in reality. According to the SPD robberies are up 30% in 2022, and violent crime is up 32%. And yes- the city council is definitely to blame. Their policies have made this city much more unsafe for all of us. And Herbold is leading that pack. She needs to go! 

          • MyThruppence May 22, 2022 (11:09 am)

            Look at statistics from the most recent few years and you will see that your trend lines do not reflect our current situation.

          • Thomas Wood May 22, 2022 (11:47 am)

            Its amazing how oblivious you are to reality Please post the reports on crime you are quoting .I had Lisa Herebold try to tell me the same thing.Go down to the junction and ask any business if they think crime is down!

    • New Salt May 21, 2022 (8:44 pm)

      Participate in or help (re)start community safety groups. Reach out to district reps and let them know that public safety is important and armed robberies shouldn’t be tolerated or normalized. Tell your overly idealistic friends to put up and join the police or “alternative policing” force or shut up. Vote for candidates who understand the social contract and recognize that humanity needs guardrails.

    • zark00 May 22, 2022 (8:51 pm)

      Welcome to West Seattle. This is nothing new. It’s been like this since the late 80’s at least.  Actually, that’s not fair, it used to be MUCH worse. 

  • Alki resident May 21, 2022 (1:58 pm)

    Kelli check the chop shop on 2nd SW and Michigan. Also, post to PNW Stolen cars. Good luck

  • Jeremy May 21, 2022 (2:59 pm)

    Too bad everywhere can’t be like the entry to the casino, where you have to drop your mask for the camera before you go in.

    • Buttercup May 21, 2022 (6:15 pm)

      A business has a right to require this when entering their property, I imagine it’s expensive, what a great deterrent though.

  • StopCuttingDownTrees May 21, 2022 (4:07 pm)

    It’s very telling that these cowardly robbers like to hit small businesses and little stores instead of robbing Target, Ross, Marshalls, or QFC. There’s a burly undercover security guard inside Rite Aid who I wouldn’t want chasing after me.

    • Buttercup May 21, 2022 (6:17 pm)

      I don’t want them robbing the bigger stores instead, get this under control. 

    • Just Ed said: May 21, 2022 (9:04 pm)

      I don’t want them to rob the QFC or Target instead either.

      • StopCuttingDownTrees May 21, 2022 (10:15 pm)

        Of course not. But they avoid those stores because the chances of being overwhelmed and possibly foiled by a couple hundred costumers is too high. Small stores usually only have one employee and often have no customers for several minutes at a time.

    • Mike May 22, 2022 (5:23 am)

      My daughter and I watched a guy with arms full of items run out of Ross and set off security alarms, almost ran into the “security” lady that could barely blurt out stop and nearly ran into my daughter and I, before he was through two doors and into the Westwood Village parking lot.   Luckily he didn’t go in pointing a gun at people or exited pointing a gun at people.  I reported it to SPD, they said that the store knows how to report it to the form that’s available to them for these events.  It was a non violent crime, so it’s basically a statistic.  Eventually these larger stores will close locations with enough crime occuring.  Target has done that in multiple locations.  The smaller stores often go out of business and some sadly go bankrupt ruining the lives of entire families.  Remember that when you vote.  The City Council member that’s saying insurance will cover it, that’s who needs to be voted out.   We are being taxed without representation, vote them out.  People are losing their livelihood, being hurt physically and sadly killed by criminals that are often repeat offenders.  Vote these politicians out, they make the rules, they decided this was ok, they are responsible for what has been allowed to occur.  Vote them out.

      • zark00 May 22, 2022 (9:02 pm)

        1. This is a state issue, not a local issue. Shoplifting under $750 is a misdemeanor in WA.2. This is not happening only in Seattle, it’s happening everywhere – every state in the union.3. You are in no way being taxed without representation, that is ridiculous.4. Getting mad and ranting at the city council is misplaced, ineffective, and belies how little you actually understand about the problem, what’s causing it, and how to solve it.For example, you seem to be completely unaware that one of the main reasons shoplifting is rampant right now is because stores including Krogers (Safeway), Target, QFC, Staples, all made corporate decisions to not prosecute shoplifters. It costs them more to prosecute than they lose in merchandise, it’s literally not worth it to them.  Larger stores are not closing locations – in fact Target literally just refuted a false story that they are closing their flagship San Francisco location due to shoplifting – they’re closing a different store in San Fran, with far less shoplifting, but much weaker sales. You should be made at Target not the Council on this one. You couldn’t be more wrong in your assessment of the problem.

      • zark00 May 22, 2022 (9:06 pm)

        lol, the false stories about Target closing stores due to shoplifting are a favorite in the right wing propaganda machine – guess we know where you get your “News” 

  • trickycoolj May 21, 2022 (7:36 pm)

    50 year old man robbing Sally’s?  Did he need hair color? *facepalm*

    • WSB May 21, 2022 (8:44 pm)

      Police didn’t mention any merchandise being taken.

      • Echo May 21, 2022 (11:06 pm)

        I bet it’s hard to report on this sort of stuff and have to read each and every comment – I’m sure it gets to you after awhile, it would to me, and would probably affect my happiness after a very short time. Thank you, though, for reporting these stories and keeping the blog so up-to-date. The community needs to be aware of these happenings, and your postings of them are very fact based and intentional. I, for one, am very appreciative of the effort.

  • Laurence May 23, 2022 (7:28 am)

    2 more trucks were stolen (Thursday and Sunday nights), both blue trucks…on 25th sw.

  • SKE May 30, 2022 (7:03 am)

    Early last week, as I was walking into the Marshall’s at Westwood Mall, there were 2 employees trying their very best to keep this guy from leaving the store. Seriously this guy was so short, like 5’2″, he had so much merchandise in his pants that if it was not a crime it would have been the funniest thing I have seen in a long, long time. They told him the police were on the way, he was just trying to get out of the store. he would not look up, just kept mumbling something. If they were store employees, I understand that employees everywhere have been told just let them go, it’s not worth it. Do not confront them. But as loss prevention people (as one of their shirts had printed on the back) they are paid to confront and detain, right? The Young lady of the team of 2, finally just said F%#* it, and stormed off into the back of the store and the thief got away with what Iam sure was hundreds of dollars of merchandise.

Sorry, comment time is over.