TRAFFIC, WEATHER, ROAD WORK, TRANSIT: Thursday notes, 1 1/2 years into bridge closure

6:01 AM: Today marks exactly 1 1/2 years since the West Seattle Bridge was closed on March 23, 2020. (Today we’re scheduled to be back up on the bridge, five weeks after this visit, as part of a media tour – watch for coverage later.)


Today’s forecast predicts clouds will make way for sun, with a 70ish high.


26th SW & beyond – Northbound 26th SW remains closed between Roxbury and Barton.

25th SW & Barton – As of our check at midday Wednesday, the expected 25th SW closure on the south side of this intersection hadn’t happened yet.

Delridge project“Punch list” tasks continue.


Buses are on regular schedules today – except for the rerouting in RapidRise H Line work zones. Watch @kcmetrobus for word of canceled trips.

For ferries and water taxis, regular schedule today; the Spirit of Kingston has replaced Doc Maynard on the West Seatte Water Taxi run until further notice. Watch @wsferries for ferry updates.


548th morning without the West Seattle Bridge – as mentioned above, a year and a half. Here are views of other bridges and routes:

Low Bridge: Automated enforcement cameras remain in use; restrictions are in effect 5 am-9 pm daily – except weekends; the bridge is open to all until 8 am Saturday and Sunday mornings. (Access applications are available here for some categories of drivers.)

West Marginal Way at Highland Park Way:

Highland Park Way/Holden – The camera’s back, now pointed west:

The 5-way intersection (Spokane/West Marginal/Delridge/Chelan):

The 1st Avenue South Bridge (map):

For the South Park Bridge (map), here’s the nearest camera:

Are draw/swing bridges opening for boats or barges? The @SDOTBridges Twitter feed will tell you. (1st Ave. South Bridge openings also are tweeted on @wsdot_traffic.)

See all local traffic cams here; locally relevant cameras are also on this WSB page.

Trouble on the streets/paths/bridges/water? Please let us know – text (but not if you’re driving!) 206-293-6302.

18 Replies to "TRAFFIC, WEATHER, ROAD WORK, TRANSIT: Thursday notes, 1 1/2 years into bridge closure"

  • BusRider September 23, 2021 (6:51 am)

    Has there been an increase in boats recently? The low bridge has been closed to let boats through half a dozen times in the last two and a half weeks while I have been trying to cross. Normally I maybe have that happen once a month. Have I just been lucky before to avoid it or is something weird going on?

  • FOMO September 23, 2021 (7:01 am)

    I’m not sure if it’s just people slowly returning back to work, or school being back in session, but bridge traffic on our once quiet street that has now turned into a detour for frustrated motorists has reached a fever pitch over the last two weeks. Traffic is absolutely bonkers here right now. 

    • reed September 23, 2021 (1:58 pm)

      This was completely predictable and no surprise. What is even less of a surprise is that despite all of the writing on the wall, many West Seattle residents have refused to change their car-centric habits and continue to lay blame elsewhere. I will say that the road rage is at a much higher level than it was pre-bridge closure. I definitely see alot more of it directed at me on a bike and as a bystander observing adjacent vehicles. When I respond to that aggression with a wave and smile, it seems to enrage drivers even more. Other than having to exercise a bit more caution when riding my bike to account for the rage increase, my day-to-day bike commute is unchanged (i.e. eaaaaaasy).  

  • Marcia Ford September 23, 2021 (8:08 am)

    Work on SW Beveridge Place began at 5 AM today. Moving heavy equipment. 

    • Cp September 23, 2021 (11:07 am)

      I would file a complaint on the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspections website. I think 7 am is the earliest work can begin.

  • waikikigirl September 23, 2021 (8:55 am)

    What I have noticed these last few months besides so much more traffic is so many people running the red light, it is terrible.

    • heartless September 23, 2021 (10:27 am)

      Me too.  And it’s not just our imagination, car crash numbers have been increasing these past couple years.  Deaths from car crashes were way up last year, and this year will likely top that.

      More traffic cameras, please.  And please, please slow down when you are out there. 

      Look for pedestrians, stop for pedestrians, and please slow down.

      • Jort September 23, 2021 (11:44 am)

        Car-related crashes and collisions are one of America’s leading causes of death of injury, and that grim statistic is getting worse every year. It is a public health crisis and, for some reason, the overwhelming majority of people in America just shrug their shoulders and think nothing can be done about it, like it’s somehow a natural disaster like a tornado or an earthquake. It is time for America to take seriously the danger these machines and their drivers impose on our society and to place severe restrictions on their risk. That includes automated devices to govern speeds and automated penalties for people who risk others’ lives. End the carnage.

        • Foop September 23, 2021 (4:45 pm)

          I mean… Compare this attitude to covid and you’ll see a pattern.

        • bill September 23, 2021 (5:26 pm)

          There is basically a 9/11 death toll every month on our roads. Somehow that is normal, which is very wrong and very sick.

        • Rumbles September 23, 2021 (8:00 pm)

           Car-related crashes and collisions are one of America’s leading causes of death of injury…”

          Respectfully asking for a link to the figures you describe above. I’ve looked on the CDC website and I can’t find figures that match what you are saying.  I’ll admit I didn’t spend an hour looking, just curious where you got your deaths figures.  

          All I could find short term:

        • zark00 September 24, 2021 (11:49 am)

          @Jort – your stats are wrong. There are about 36k deaths per year in the US from auto collisions. Doesn’t even make the top 15. Auto collision deaths per capita have been steadily declining since the 1920’s. Statistically auto collision deaths do not rise the level of a public heath crisis in the US.  Globally, and only when restricting the age group to 5-29, then yes you can get to the numbers that would be considered a crisis.America absolutely does not shrug their shoulders and do nothing about auto collision deaths – honestly that’s a ridiculous statement. e.g. Wisconsin passed the first seat belt law in the world in 1961. Obesity and diabetes kill 20X the people that car collisions kill, but we’re not allowed to talk about that. 

  • riverview September 23, 2021 (9:01 am)

    Highland Park Way/Holden – The camera’s back, now pointed west —

    It would be helpful if the camera could point more NW or toward downhill HPW, rather than at the building under construction in the direction of SB 9th Ave SW. The traffic in that area has been horrible and this camera direction offers nothing valuable. WSB, could you make a suggestion to the powers that be?

  • Jim September 23, 2021 (9:17 am)

    Traffic in the White Center Community is also very heavy. People who live in neighborhoods in the White Center Area now have cars speeding down their residential streets from  people in cars who wish to bypass main streets with traffic lights.  Please slow down when you are driving on residential streets, before a person gets hit or animal gets hits by people driving cars.

  • Joe Z September 23, 2021 (10:39 am)

    I just want to note that once the bridge reopens the obnoxious and dangerous traffic rushing to enter/leave West Seattle doesn’t go away, it just gets shifted back to Fauntleroy and Admiral where it used to be. There has been an increase in pedestrian and bike traffic in those areas as people take advantage of the temporary reprieve. In the long run it is essential that both of those corridors receive road diets and safety improvements like the detour routes are currently getting. 

  • Mj September 23, 2021 (6:56 pm)

    I’m of the opinion if it was not for the pandemic the bridge would have been repaired by now!  The pandemic mitigated the traffic impact significantly.  Traffic is getting worse by the day now.  

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