BURN BAN: Beach fires, no. Barbecues, yes. Here’s what fire chiefs around the region have ordered

Smoke alert, heat alert – and now, a burn ban. Here’s the announcement from the Seattle Fire Department:

The City of Seattle has joined King County under a State 2 burn ban effective immediately. During a Stage 2 burn ban, any outdoor fire such as a backyard fire pit or campfire using chopped firewood or charcoal is prohibited.

Under the ban, any person with a recreational fire who fails to take immediate action to extinguish or discontinue when ordered or notified to do so can be charged with, up to and including, a misdemeanor. Seattle firefighters have also been directed to extinguish any illegal fires during this ban.

Manufactured portable outdoor devices are allowed, including barbecues and patio warmers that are used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Approved fuel devices – including those that rely on charcoal, natural gas or propane gas – are also allowed.

Seattle has experienced two large brush fires along I-5 this week, and the long spell without significant rainfall, the risk of fire in vegetated areas remains high. Let’s do all we can to reduce the risk of an unintentional fire:

• Follow the Stage 2 burn ban
• Safely discard any smoking materials (e.g. don’t snuff out in potted plants)
• Check your vehicle to make sure nothing could drag and create sparks while driving
• Avoid parking on dry grassy areas as hot components could start a fire

Call 9-1-1 immediately if you see a brush fire so we can send crews right away.

6 Replies to "BURN BAN: Beach fires, no. Barbecues, yes. Here's what fire chiefs around the region have ordered"

  • Texas Tom August 13, 2021 (6:09 pm)

    Under the ban, any person with a recreational fire who fails to take
    immediate action to extinguish or discontinue when ordered or notified
    to do so can be charged with, up to and including, a misdemeanor.

    i.e. another destructive and potentially life-threatening activity that would be perfectly allowable and unprosecutable under the leadership of potential city attorney Nicole Thomas-Kennedy. Vote wisely citizens.

    • Lagartija Nick August 14, 2021 (11:33 am)

      If your backyard fire actually destroyed property or caused injury/death it would be FELONY ARSON/MURDER and would 100% be prosecuted as such BY THE COUNTY. Please stop lying to make whatever point you think your making.

  • TJ August 13, 2021 (8:50 pm)

    Well thanks for letting us use our barbecues

    • Lagartija Nick August 14, 2021 (11:12 am)

      Yes, it’s absolute tyranny I tell ya and you’re the ultimate victim! When are you moving to Arizona again? Ugh.

  • KM August 14, 2021 (12:28 am)

    Does this apply to Alki Beach?

    • WSB August 14, 2021 (12:29 am)

      Recreational fires, yes. That’s why I wrote “beach fires” in the headline.

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