WEST SEATTLE SCENES: Art Walk, July edition

July 8, 2021 5:59 pm
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 |   West Seattle Art Walk | West Seattle news | WS culture/arts

5:59 PM: It’s a warm sunny evening – don’t stay home, go out to enjoy art during the West Seattle Art Walk!

FOGUE GALLERY: Until 7 pm, the party’s on at Fogue Gallery (4130 California SW; WSB sponsor) on the north end of The Junction. That’s proprietor Patti Curtis – whose work is featured at her gallery – above. Just outside the front door, Scott Gibson is performing:

As previewed last night, this quarter’s Art Walk poster artist, Jacquie Stock, is there tonight too. Fogue is one of The Junction’s newest businesses, and tonight it’s one of the liveliest.

WEND JEWELRY: Heading further north to 3278 California SW, another new business is open for Art Walk night. Wend is featuring fiber artist Kristi Nakata:

Kristi’s showing mountain-inspired wall hangings; the reception’s on until 8. We’re continuing northward … see the full venue list, including food/beverage businesses with specials for Art Walk’ers, by going here.

ADDED 6:20 PM: In North Admiral, West Seattle Grounds (2141 California SW) is hosting Maq Martin:

Maq’s there, showing acrylic paintings – landscapes and florals – until 8.

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