WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Shoplifting arrest; porch theft; abandoned bike; car prowls

Four notes in West Seattle Crime Watch tonight:

SHOPLIFTING ARREST: Another big-ticket shoplift thwarted tonight at Ulta Beauty in Westwood Village, according to the preliminary police summary. It says officers answered a 911 call around 6 pm; with description information from the caller, they found the suspect “sitting at a nearby bus stop.” Nearby, a backpack that turned out to have 22 items inside, valued at almost $2,000. Police say the suspect confessed to the theft and gave consent for them to search the backpack, The stolen items were returned to the store; the suspect was booked into jail. SIDE NOTE: This is the second four-figure shoplifting case arrest involving that store this month. We checked online records to see what has happened to the suspect arrested in the early June case, 31-year-old Jake Erickson. He was charged with felony theft and awaits trial on other unrelated cases we mentioned in our previous story; he was released from jail last Wednesday after 19 days, required to live with his mother under electronic home monitoring.

PORCH THEFT: Emailed video and report:

We live in Gatewood and recently had someone come onto our porch and steal a leaf blower we had left out.

ABANDONED BICYCLE: Texted photo and report:

Abandoned bike on 16th Ave SW and Myrtle. 7000 block. Looks like a well-maintained bike. It was on its side.

CAR PROWLS: Two in Upper Fauntleroy early this morning, both at WSB HQ. We apparently left the cars unlocked. Nothing taken; the glove boxes were emptied, worthless contents (pen and paper for story notes, half-used bottles of hand sanitizer) strewn on the front seats. As we’ve done following previous prowls, we’re filing an online report.

7 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Shoplifting arrest; porch theft; abandoned bike; car prowls"

  • Brian June 27, 2021 (3:12 pm)

    I’m dubious to the claim of the retail value. The markup on that garbage has to be huge. 

  • HearmeNow? June 27, 2021 (5:00 pm)

    Ulta shoppers I’m sure are very anxious to get their hands on the well-traveled merch.  

  • Zipda June 27, 2021 (7:54 pm)

    Shoplifter will be well groomed and smell great for jail I suspect.

  • Auntie June 27, 2021 (9:11 pm)

    Re car prowls – sometimes it pays to leave your car unlocked (and with nothing of value in it). You probably saved yourself a smashed out window.

  • Ann June 28, 2021 (4:03 pm)

    Put these items on Crime Watch

    • WSB June 28, 2021 (5:14 pm)

      They are. See the headline.

  • Jane July 8, 2021 (11:15 am)

    re: porch theft – the homeowner should report the incident to the police and/or update the police that this is the same man identified starting fires, attempting break-ins  as well as stealing packages & tools  in Gatewood.

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