DELRIDGE PROJECT: Weekend and night work, plus next week’s plan

Friday afternoons bring the latest update on the Delridge Way repaving/utilities/more project preparing for RapidRide H Line. Today, there’s word of weekend work and more overnight work. First, the key points highlighted by the project team:

*SW Barton Pl intersection upgrades are nearly complete and the street will reopen soon

*The east side of the SW Henderson St and Delridge Way SW will be closed as early as Monday, June 14 for upgrades.
-This work will last approximately three weeks. I’ve also attached a detour map for this work to this email.

*Seattle Public Utilities will be demolishing areas throughout the corridor for underground water utility upgrades this weekend, June 12 – 13

*We are continuing to paint final lane markings along the corridor. Parking restrictions will be in place while this work occurs. As a reminder, we will be working overnight.

*Bus-stop upgrades continue at SW Myrtle St and SW Holly St at the site of the future RapidRide stations

*We are wrapping up electrical utility upgrades between SW Holden St and SW Thistle St
-We will begin restoring the street as early as June 21

(That’s separate from the work that has SW Thistle still closed on the east side of Delridge.) Here’s the full preview for the week ahead.

6 Replies to "DELRIDGE PROJECT: Weekend and night work, plus next week's plan"

  • AB83 June 11, 2021 (5:39 pm)

    Just a quick question when this project is done will there be a dedicated bike lane

    • WSB June 11, 2021 (5:55 pm)

      The project plans are in the link in the first line. You can check any section that interests you.

    • Aaron June 11, 2021 (10:10 pm)

      They are actually taking sections of existing bike lane away. In the final version, there WILL NOT be a contiguous bike lane on Delridge. There should be, and there was room to have it, but SDOT chose not to.  Instead, they have created bike kill zones where the lane is too narrow for a bicycle to share with a car. It is a dangerous road design.

      • Auntie June 18, 2021 (8:42 pm)

        You are right. They should have (and could have) made a bike lane all the way. As it stands, bicyclists can be safe for a few blocks, then in peril for a few blocks, then safe, etc, ad nauseum. Either make it safe for bicylists or not, but don’t make it so they get complacent in a safe area, only to be thrust out into traffic. It is confusing for motorists, as well. 

  • Cathy DeVore June 11, 2021 (7:05 pm)

    When will side steets open in the north end of Delridge?  It had been almost a year, and most are holding items that haven’t been touched in months, including someone’s personal van.

  • Paige June 18, 2021 (8:25 pm)

    WTF why is there so much road construction going on in West Seattle,     like it isn’t hard enough for us to get out of West Seattle. It actually took me one hour to get from my home in West Seattle to Jefferson Golf Course, which is about 7 miles away from my house. First road construction on Roxberry, then the First Ave S bridge went up, then it took forever to get on I5 to go one exit. ONE HOUR to go about 7 miles. Such BS

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