CORONAVIRUS: Monday 6/28/2021 roundup

Two days until The Grand Reopening – a quick look at tonight’s pandemic toplines:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the Seattle-King County Public Health daily summary:

*112,480 people have tested positive, 39 more than yesterday

*1,657 people have died, unchanged since Saturday

*6,496 people have been hospitalized, 5 more than yesterday

ONE WEEK AGO: Last Monday, the three totals we track were 111,706/1,616/6,317.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Check the state dashboard.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 181.4 million cases, 3,930,000+ deaths – 604,000+ in the U.S. See the other stats – nation by nation – here.

VAX STATS: In King County, 78.2 percent of people 12+ have had at least one dose; 71.8 percent are fully vaccinated. In West Seattle, the most-vaccinated zip code is still 98136 – 89.2 percent of people 12+ have had at least one dose. (Maps and stats are here.)

RETIRING THE ROUNDUP: We’d been thinking about retiring our daily pandemic roundup after Reopening Day. An announcement by Public Health today cements that decision – they’re going to cut back on dashboard updates, weekdays only. We will likely launch a weekly local update, probably on Friday nights.

GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!

13 Replies to "CORONAVIRUS: Monday 6/28/2021 roundup"

  • Kb June 29, 2021 (6:08 am)

    Thank you so much for the clear and concise summaries and information in such a terrifying time. You helped make the danger more apparent by sharing data to help us understand what was happening in our area and beyond, and I shared your vaccine information posts with people who were looking when finding a vaccine was hard. Thank you. 

  • Herongrrrl June 29, 2021 (6:15 am)

    Thank you for keeping the daily updates going as long as you have. I have checked them every day since you started. I am grateful we have reached a point that they no longer seem necessary!

  • SDK June 29, 2021 (6:20 am)

    Thank you so much for this tremendously helpful daily summary. I’ve accessed your Roundup nearly every day, for my personal use and to share current updates with my colleagues and workplace. The most comprehensive and convenient collection of WA state covid info. Kudos and appreciations. Well done.

  • GF June 29, 2021 (7:54 am)

    Thanks for the daily roundup these past 15 months or so. It helped me stay informed and safe through the pandemic. Retiring the daily report is a positive sign we are turning the page. Thank you for all you do to keep West Seattle educated!

  • CM June 29, 2021 (8:17 am)

    Thank you, WSB for keeping us informed throughout the pandemic. I have read these updates daily since the start and have appreciated having this information, some days were worrisome and some days provided hope. I know you are a small operation and that this must have been a lot of work on your end so thank you for taking the time to keep us up to date and informed. 

  • SSS June 29, 2021 (8:35 am)

    Thank you for the daily updates. I’ve read every single one and followed along with the numbers. Hopefully, this is a sign that it’s all behind us. 

  • smittytheclown June 29, 2021 (8:56 am)

    Thank you!  As always, you guys have been fantastic through this.

  • David Johansson June 29, 2021 (9:28 am)

    I found out yesterday June 28th, 2021..A friend of mine has Covid, (was vaccinated early on) hopefully continues as a milder illness due to them being vaccinated. I’d suggest we continue to wear masks, and be careful. Another friend who is a virologist said “breakthrough cases are starting to surge, driven largely by the variants (especially delta and gamma), which we’ve seen from the very limited genomic sequencing data so far.because vaccines are deployed in the population but we’re well under the herd immunity threshold (somewhere in the 70-90% range), it’s extremely likely the coronavirus will evolve to become increasingly vaccine-resistant over time. these hotbeds of evolution can happen anywhere that vaccinated and unvaccinated people intersect. this means that unvaccinated people can transmit increasingly vaccine-resistant variants to fully vaccinated people. studies of the vaccines have shown them to be effective against the variants so far. but as time progresses it’s highly likely they will continue to evolve further vaccine-resistance, which may lead to a fully resistant strain especially if we have another wave of cases over the summer. everyone needs to get their vaccine ASAP if they haven’t already. we will very likely need booster shots too. but it’s critically important for everyone to understand that going into a crowded public space where unvaccinated people are present, especially indoors and especially without masks, is risky even for fully vaccinated people. all it takes is 1 unvaccinated person with a vaccine-resistant variant to potentially infect tens or hundreds of vaccinated people. unless we hit herd immunity (which is a big “if”), this risk is very likely to increase over time. everyone should talk to the people in their life who are still vaccine hesitant.and despite the full reopening on 6/30, i strongly recommend everyone continue the core public health measures when in crowded public indoor spaces where the unvaccinated are present: masking, distancing, sanitation, ventilation, testing, quarantining if exposed. tragically, we’re not even remotely out of the woods yet.❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤”

    • Stay well June 30, 2021 (5:49 pm)

      Thanks for sharing, David. Healing wishes for your friend.

      I will be continuing to mask up in many situations, including at work, indefinitely at this point.

  • AMD June 29, 2021 (9:56 am)

    I read that Okanogan County is going to start posting COVID incidence rates for vaccinated and unvaccinated people separately in their updates.  Hopefully King County and others will follow.

  • newnative June 29, 2021 (9:59 am)

    Another thank you. I always appreciate your fact-based, solidly sourced information. 

  • BetteDavisEyes June 29, 2021 (1:24 pm)

    Thank you for the daily updates over the past 15 months – I’ve looked for them daily and read every single one.  The one-week look back at numbers was especially helpful in understanding the trends, as it was easy to calculate running averages from your data.  I will still look forward to your weekly Friday night update, as we’re not out of the woods yet.

  • Stay well June 29, 2021 (6:57 pm)

    Echoing others in saying thank you for these daily covid updates. They have been so helpful in keeping people informed and in providing an opportunity for community to discuss pandemic concerns.

    Wonder how many were spared from covid as a result of these timely updates.

    Thanks also to everyone who has contributed in community here during the pandemic, sharing their concerns, ideas, advice, frustrations, etc. I know it helped me in getting through this awful year, to share here.

    Hoping we are through the worst of it now, and we can continue to beat this virus back. Be safe and well! 

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