CORONAVIRUS: Monday 6/21/2021 roundup

With 9 days at most until full reopening, here is tonight’s roundup of local pandemic-related information:

STATE OF THE PANDEMIC: The state Health Department released the latest every-other-week “modeling and surveillance” report, with these toplines:

*Statewide case counts and hospital admissions continued to decline as of June 3, but were starting to flatten slightly.

*As of June 3, case rates continued declining in all age groups except people 70 and older, among whom rates remained flat.

*As of the end of May, statewide transmission levels remained relatively high.

*While vaccination has helped to reduce transmission, increases in estimated population immunity have started to flatten as vaccination rates slow.

*Vaccination is clearly protecting people from severe COVID-19 illness, as demonstrated by the very different hospital admission trends we are seeing in unvaccinated populations.

*Variants of concern continue to pose additional risks for outbreaks and impacts to the health system, especially in places where vaccination rates are lower.

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the Seattle-King County Public Health daily summary:

*111,706 people have tested positive, 60 more than yesterday

*1,616 people have died, unchanged since Saturday

*6,317 people have been hospitalized, 3 more than yesterday

ONE WEEK AGO: Last Monday, the three totals we track were 111,164/1,615/6,275.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Check the state dashboard.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 178.7 million cases, 3,873,000+ deaths – 599,945 in the U.S. See the other stats – nation by nation – here.

VAX STATS: In King County, 77.4 percent of people 12+ have had at least one dose; 70.3 percent are fully vaccinated. In West Seattle, the most-vaccinated zip code is still 98136 – 88.7 percent of people 12+ have had at least one dose. (Maps and stats are here.)

3RD VACCINATION LOTTERY TOMORROW: Tuesday brings the third drawing for the “incentives” announced by the governor.

GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!

1 Reply to "CORONAVIRUS: Monday 6/21/2021 roundup"

  • Brian June 22, 2021 (3:00 pm)

    Has the dashboard started breaking out results for positive cases by variant? Are there numbers on the delta variant for KC? I’m on mobile so it’s difficult to check n

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