CORONAVIRUS: Thursday 5/20/2021 roundup

Big day in pandemic news:

WEST SEATTLE VAX HUB CLOSING: The city says June 9th will be the last day for the West Seattle vaccination hub at Nino Cantu Southwest Athletic Complex, after three months. Main reason: Dramatic drop in demand, with a sizable percentage of West Seattleites already vaccinated.

WANT TO GET VACCINATED IN ADMIRAL TOMORROW? UW Medicine emailed us tonight to say that tomorrow’s pop-up clinic outside West Seattle High School is open to everyone 12+, student or not. 1:30 pm-5:30 pm Friday (3000 California SW).

DON’T DROP THE MASK YET INDOORS One week after the CDC announced fully vaccinated people could quit wearing masks in most situations, King County’s health officer Dr. Jeff Duchin said he’s advising everyone to keep wearing them indoors unless there’s a way to prove absolutely everyone is vaccinated. Hours after issuing the directive, he gave a video briefing and answered media Q&A – watch the video here.

NEWEST NUMBERS: Now the update from the Public Health daily-summary dashboard:

*107,871 people have tested positive, 212 more than yesterday’s total

*1,566 people have died, 1 more than yesterday’s total

*6,072 people have been hospitalized, 3 more than yesterday’s total

*1,075,688 people have been tested, 2,919 more than yesterday’s total

One week ago, the four totals we track were 101,881/1,552/6,004/1,063,643.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: Find them, county by county, on the state Department of Health page.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: 165.5 million cases worldwide, 33 million of them in the U.S. See the nation-by-nation breakout here.

GOT INFO/PHOTOS/TIPS? 206-293-6302, text or voice, or – thank you!

4 Replies to "CORONAVIRUS: Thursday 5/20/2021 roundup"

  • JJ May 21, 2021 (7:29 am)

    I’d love to hear an update on the variants. I bet we have some newer ones going around. Seems like the reporting has stopped.

  • Lisa May 21, 2021 (3:03 pm)

    If a store allows me to go unmasked (I’m fully vaxed), I’m going unmasked. I’ve lost all respect for the local authorities given their lack of cohesive messaging and getting back to normal has to start somewhere.

  • Patrick May 21, 2021 (4:51 pm)

    So, keep the masks on unless, as the notes state  ‘there’s a way to prove absolutely everyone is vaccinated.’   Tell me Jeff, how can it  be absolutely proven that everyone indoors is wearing a mask.    Their is only one absolute happening, and that is anyone associated with these decisions/propaganda has no idea what really needs to be done.    I suppose, according to the good doctor, we had better wear our masks indoors forever.  Get with reality.

  • R2 May 21, 2021 (6:22 pm)

    I took my son to WSHS to get his first shot today, and it was a breeze! Thanks to UW Medicine, and all the volunteers who made this happen!

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