Thanks to Clay Eals for the photo! West Seattle muralist Desmond Hansen has been busy lately – today, Clay spotted him painting the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the northwest corner of California/Walker (map) in North Admiral.

17 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE ART: Tribute to RBG"

  • Jim November 1, 2020 (5:17 pm)

    So awesome. Thank you Desmond!

  • Workdown November 1, 2020 (5:39 pm)

    Stunning.  Thank you Desmond.

  • Charly November 1, 2020 (6:06 pm)

    This makes me happy.

  • A November 1, 2020 (7:18 pm)

    Very nice tribute to an amazing woman. Hope to see one of these for Amy Coney Barrett someday. Two great women who have proven that anything is possible if you work hard enough no matter what your sex is. Thanks for your amazing talent Desmond. We are lucky to have you

    • shotinthefoot November 2, 2020 (8:38 am)

      Amy Coney Barrett doesn’t deserve her seat on the Supreme Court, let alone a painting rendered by an amazing artist. ACB is nothing but a trump loyalist, just like BeerBoyBrett and it’s an absolute affront to fairness that they were both shoehorned in by a corrupt, impeached (and hopefully soon to be unemployed) president so they can do his bidding. It’s disgusting that she would let her religious views color her impartiality – she absolutely does not belong on the court for that reason alone. An “amazing woman” would not try to take rights away from all of us other actual amazing women just because her religious views color everything she does. 

    • Amy November 2, 2020 (6:51 pm)

      Uh, or any of the other women that have serviced on the Supreme Court. 

  • Colonel Mustard's Wrench November 1, 2020 (7:21 pm)

    Desmond, what a wonderful tribute to one of the most significant women in our lifetime ! 
    One more reason to visit the Admiral Junction.
    And WSB, I can’t thank you enough for the way keep us up to date on all that happens in West Seattle !

    • WSB November 1, 2020 (7:47 pm)

      Mostly by the grace of everybody who sends tips, photos, etc. – thanks to Clay for sharing this sighting!

  • Kadoo November 1, 2020 (7:33 pm)

    Wow! That’s beautiful!

  • 22blades November 1, 2020 (9:43 pm)

    Beautiful tribute to a true icon. I enjoy every single one of Desmond’s works.

  • Ajwren November 1, 2020 (10:13 pm)

    Thank you, Desmond!!  Amazing art piece celebrating this important jurist!

  • Cid November 2, 2020 (8:00 am)

    I love this more than I can say! Thanks Desmond. You are amazing. 

  • J November 2, 2020 (8:09 am)

    This is my block! Couldn’t be happier to have RBG grace our corner! Thank you, Desmond Hansen!!

  • ACG November 2, 2020 (10:39 am)

    He really captured the intensity she had in her eyes. Well done. 

  • Frog November 2, 2020 (12:10 pm)

    Well, I am not an originalist, so the intent of the artist doesn’t matter to me.  A picture is whoever I say it is, or whoever I want it to be.  That picture on the electrical box is actually Ruth Buzzi.  She was so funny on Laugh In, back in the day.  Totally cracked me up.

  • Elliot Goldberg November 2, 2020 (3:50 pm)

    And thank you to West Seattle Grounds for initiating the idea and beautifying our neighborhood with the memory of one fantastic woman!

    Elliot G

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