UPDATE: Crash east of West Seattle low bridge

12:45 PM: Eastbound Spokane Street just east of the low bridge is blocked by police right now, as shown in the traffic-cam framegrab above, because of a crash. No details but at least one person is reported injured.

12:52 PM: Some Metro buses are backed up, the traffic camera has shown. Here’s a look further east at the crash-response scene:

1:06 PM: The scene has mostly cleared and traffic’s moving in both directions.

1:18 PM: All clear.

6 Replies to "UPDATE: Crash east of West Seattle low bridge"

  • skeeter October 10, 2020 (12:52 pm)

    When is SPD going to start issuing citations to people illegally using the lower bridge?  I’m watching this scene unfold from my office on Harbor Island.  There are dozens of cars clogging up the area because they were illegally driving across the bridge (or planning to drive across the bridge.)  I bike to my office and every day I see (literally) hundreds of cars crossing the bridge illegally.  Busses are getting backed up all across the bridge during the evening commute.  All SPD would have to do is issue a few hundred citations and word would spread fast that enforcement had begun.    

    • Matt October 10, 2020 (1:21 pm)

      Supposedly later this year. But get this, they’ll only issue a warning until next year.  As if the last 6-8 months haven’t been warning enough. 

      • KM October 10, 2020 (1:59 pm)

        I was annoyed too, but nothing SDOT/SPD can do, it’s state law until EOY.

    • Pdxmark77 October 10, 2020 (1:22 pm)

      They are out there occasionally but honestly nothing will change until they get the cameras installed and start issuing tickets.

  • AB83 October 10, 2020 (12:56 pm)

    I hope whoever is involved is OK when I was leaving work today off of Harbor Island It looked like they had put cones up for lane reductions on Klickitat Avenue

  • ltfd October 11, 2020 (11:55 am)

    Motorcyclist vs. auto. Femur fracture & avulsed ankle – per scanner (Fire Dept. Medics consulting with the trauma doc @ Harborview).

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