READER REPORT: Anyone missing a walker?

Angelina sent the photo, explaining: “I found a walker with a wonky wheel on 31st Ave SW. I put it in my yard, but it seems like a weird thing to lose. So if someone’s walker was stolen, I might have it.” If it might be yours, let us know and we’ll connect you.

SIDE NOTE: For items that are more likely to be simply lost/found and not stolen, we have a West Seattle Lost/Found (Non-Pets) section here.

1 Reply to "READER REPORT: Anyone missing a walker?"

  • justme October 18, 2020 (12:23 pm)

    If it was near a bus stop the owner could have been on there way to pick up their new walker and left the broken one aside. I’ve heard of this happening before as they can be hard to get rid of if you have limited means.

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