READER REPORT: Alki mailbox returns

From the WSB inbox:

Super exciting news. The USPS collection box has just been installed after months of being on hiatus. It is at the corner of 63rd Ave SW and Hinds. I have attached a picture of the new box with cross streets amd information on address and official collection times. The people of Alki are going to be so excited.

Their mailman

(The 4412 California SW location is the Post Office in The Junction.)

10 Replies to "READER REPORT: Alki mailbox returns"

  • thatonecommenter October 22, 2020 (12:47 pm)

    This update from the mailman made my day. It just sounds like he really enjoys his job. We love you postal workers!

    • Nancy J October 23, 2020 (7:55 am)

      Our Alki mailman will retire at the end of November. We will miss him.  Thank you Dado.  

      • BlairJ October 23, 2020 (2:40 pm)

        We put a sign on our mailbox thanking our postal carriers.

  • JJA October 22, 2020 (5:29 pm)

    I AM excited! Small things. Thanks, mailman!

  • Steve October 22, 2020 (6:57 pm)

    Hurray!  I just assumed it was gone forever. 

  • Peter October 22, 2020 (7:02 pm)

    GREAT NEWS! Making USPS Great Again! No longer a need to drop mail on Alki Ave. Such a welcome return. You GO, USPS!

    PS. Let’s all use this mail drop box. Less use = it could be taken away. USPS! A guaranteed position in the US Constitution! Let’s not lose this right!

  • Peter October 22, 2020 (7:07 pm)

    In case you were wondering, “Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution, known as the Postal Clause or the Postal Power, empowers Congress “To establish Post Offices and Post Roads.”
    The Post Office has the constitutional authority to designate mail
    routes. The Post Office is also empowered to construct or designate post
    offices with the implied authority to carry, deliver, and regulate the
    mail of the United States as a whole.”USPS! Go! We love you. Not a business but a SERVICE. It is in the name.

  • Diablo Oso October 22, 2020 (9:33 pm)

    Yay! I looked for this last winter. I guessed it was part of the USPS cutbacks.

  • Jeannie October 22, 2020 (9:37 pm)

    More mailboxes! Let Louis DeJoy seeeeeethe!

  • Beth October 23, 2020 (8:36 am)

    Huge shoutout to postal workers everywhere! We love our guy, Marcus. Best ever.#dontemailwritealetterinstead 💌

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