Outer Space Seattle, offering ‘learning pod’ child care: Welcome, new WSB sponsor!

Outer Space Seattle is joining the WSB sponsor team with a new offering. Here’s what they would like you to know:

Starting Tuesday, September 8th, Outer Space Seattle, on Alki, is offering Learning Pod Child Care for elementary-age kids, Kindergarten to 5th grade.

There is a lot we cannot control in the world, as this pandemic has taught us. But we can control how our children experience it. This is an opportunity for your child to NOT be on screens for 6 hours a day. This is an opportunity for your child to have social connections, and emotional support. This is an opportunity to explore the beach and make messy art projects. This is an opportunity to play, and to be a kid.

We are not only providing child care. We are proving a happy, safe space for your children, and establishing their new normal.

And with that, we are excited to announce that we will now be operating as a learning-pod location for elementary-age students, grades Kindergarten to 5th. We are hiring two experienced teachers to lead their pods. Our teachers will assist in logging on and off of remote learning, and assist the full curriculum of reading, math, and science. One teacher to 8 children. There will be a limit of two classes (16 kids) at Outer Space Seattle at a time. This allows us to maintain social distancing while following health and safety guidelines provided by the CDC and Department of Health. Masks will be required for the duration of all children and staff at Outer Space Seattle.

Our 5-day program will be closed pods, meaning the same 16 kids will be there in the morning, and the same 16 kids will be there in the afternoon. All families must adhere to following the COVID-19 guidelines and self-quarantine if traveling out of state.

Following the sample schedule provided by Seattle Public Schools, we will be offering a Morning Session or an Afternoon Session. See example below:

MORNING SESSION 8:30 am-12:15 pm
Earth & Mars Class: (two classes of 8 kids, 1:8 ratio)
8:15 Doors open

8:30-9 am Check-in/ Community Building

9-10 am ELA Instructional Block: Mini-lesson, independent reading, embedded Social-Emotional learning, Read Aloud, small group reading instruction, shared reading, writing about reading and conferring/feedback with student readers, Special Education/504 supports and services*

10 am-10:30 am Recess/Break

10:30-11:30 Math Instructional Block: Mini-lesson/direct instruction, independent work time, small group math instruction, teacher conferring/feedback with individual students, Special Education/504 supports and services*

11:30 am-12:15 pm Art/Music/P.E./Library Special Education/504 supports and services*


Sanitation and Cleaning of Outer Space Seattle

AFTERNOON SESSION 1:00 pm-4:45 pm
Jupiter & Saturn Class:(two classes of 8 kids, 1:8 ratio)

1:00-1:30 pm Social Studies/Science/STI (Washington State Tribal History, Since Time Immemorial)

1:30-2:30 pm Small groups and independent offline learning (asynchronous)

Special Education/504 supports and services*

2:30-3:00 pm Family Connection

3:00-4:45 pm 2 hours of free play/beach (Art/Music/P.E./Library)

4:45 pm Pick Up

Sanitation and Cleaning of Outer Space Seattle

List of school supplies for Outer Space Seattle: Face mask, Headphones, tablet or device, personal curriculum, packed lunch or snack, weather-appropriate clothing.

For Outer Space Seattle enrollment/information, go here!

We thank Outer Space Seattle for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

2 Replies to "Outer Space Seattle, offering 'learning pod' child care: Welcome, new WSB sponsor!"

  • Mrs. A August 29, 2020 (7:56 pm)

    This is a great idea – especially for parents who have to work and have younger kids.  :)  However, the price is a bit steep for some parents.  We also set up a smaller (4 student) tutoring pod with certified teacher and a sliding fee scale (minimum $25/day) – for 2nd grade students at Louisa Boren STEM K-8.  If you are a member of the 2nd grade STEM community, check out our posting on the 2nd grade Facebook page..

  • Caitlin from Outer Space September 3, 2020 (10:30 pm)

    Thanks Mrs. A! Our program $12.50 per hour. So cheaper than our babysitter! We do agree that this price may not work for everyone. We are starting a donation drive to support our scholarship program. Please email us at info@outerspaceseattle.com to find out more. 

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