DEVELOPMENT: Alki, Delridge project updates

Two project notes:

1772 ALKI AVENUE SW: A key approval is in for five 3-story townhouses, with 8 offstreet parking spaces, to replace two houses at 1772-1774 Alki SW. The decision opens an appeal period through September 3rd; this notice explains how to file one. We covered the “early community outreach” meeting for this project almost two years ago.

7035 DELRIDGE WAY SW: We first reported on this nine-townhouse plan with nine off-street parking spaces last December. Now it’s going into Administrative Design Review. Go here to see the design packet. This notice explains how to comment.

4 Replies to "DEVELOPMENT: Alki, Delridge project updates"

  • Chrissy D August 20, 2020 (10:54 pm)

    I know I’m not the first to ask this, but how do they define off-street parking spaces? In addition to what might be an existing parking space or hopeful that the 9 cars that used to park in these spaces will no longer be parking in those spaces, therefore there a 9 spaces dedicated to this complex?

    • WSB August 20, 2020 (11:16 pm)

      That means actual vehicle-parking spaces as part of the development site, sometime in garages, sometimes not.

      • Alkibiach August 21, 2020 (7:14 pm)

        Thank you for the update.

  • JW August 21, 2020 (8:52 am)

    Sometimes a photo gives context to these parking questions. Comparing present photos The Alki project is along the stretch that property owners prevailed over city in continuing the practice of parking across the planting strip illegal elsewhere.  These last of the ‘beach cottages’ never had garages and were built before codes. The South Delridge site currently has ‘ample’ off-street parking, illegally (abandoned vehicles?) storing cars in the front yard.Although these two projects are dramatically different in their neighborhoods and costs, they both exemplify redevelopment that increases efficiency and density, adding more housing to address the shortage.  My only criticism, is they are not forward thinking because they are increasing car storage over existing parking.

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