WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Can you help find these stolen items? Plus, trailer taken

FIRST ITEM, 8:57 PM: From Linda:

My SUV was broken into last night (I accidentally left the door unlocked) in the Fauntleroy neighborhood near the ferry. There was nothing of value to the thieves, but they took my work crate full of financial brochures and notes. This won’t be of value to anyone, but me. I’m expecting the papers to be dumped somewhere and have walked the neighborhood looking for them. I’m hoping if someone finds them, I can retrieve them. They also took my kiddo’s epi-pens, which they probably won’t realize until they open the case. It’s a small black case with two generic epinephrine injectors, some Benadryl and Pepcid for allergies. I can replace them, but if found, would love them back.

Let us know if you think you’ve seen any of that, and we’ll connect you.

ADDED 10:24 PM: Just received from Katherine, a rude “welcome” for her new neighbors:

On Tuesday morning around 4 AM, a man in a white pick up truck stole a trailer off of my new neighbor’s Penske moving truck that was parked on Admiral way facing uphill, just before the Schmitz Park bridge.

My security footage is a little grainy, so we couldn’t get a license plate. Any tips would be greatly appreciated as they are on the hook for the costs.

8 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Can you help find these stolen items? Plus, trailer taken"

  • Karen July 22, 2020 (10:55 pm)

    To Linda. Today around noon I was driving in white center and saw on the sidewalk/corner of 18th ave SW and Roxbury. By the parking lot of the Salvadoran bakery, Notebooks and papers flying around the sidewalk, didn’t see any backpack or crate, but there was a lot of papers. I hope you can find them. Best of luck.

  • Sillygoose July 23, 2020 (7:44 am)

    The video footage goes to a drawing about the bridge work.  Sorry for your neighbor welcome to the Hood!

    Also about the case and papers go down to the parking strip along the fence by Nucor Steel the guys in motorhomes just brought in a truck load of items, lots of suit cases, stackable washer dryer and some weird cars, lots of ladders, hand trucks.

    • WSB July 23, 2020 (9:32 am)

      It’s not video, it’s a feame grab sent by the reader.

  • Jeff July 23, 2020 (10:05 am)

    Hey Linda, I think I found your crate while walking my dog.  Was it a plastic gray milk crate with brochures, handwritten notes and file folders?  I’ll go grab it off the street and leave my contact info with the WSB.  I’m in the Morgan Junction. 

    • Linda Rackner July 23, 2020 (10:32 am)

      Yes! It was a grey milk crate.  A bunch of retirement planning brochures, file folders, etc.  Sounds exactly like it.  Thank you. 

      • WSB July 23, 2020 (11:33 am)

        I’m sending you the photo to confirm. Thanks also to the person who contacted us last night thinking some stuff dumped near THEIR house might hve been it (wasn’t, but still appreciated).

  • Alex S. July 23, 2020 (11:43 am)

    Is there a plate number for the trailer?  Also, it might be useful to ask SPD/KCS if there were any white pick-up trucks reported stolen in the last day or two 

  • Sillygoose July 24, 2020 (8:41 am)

    Hi,What kind of trailer? If it is a small grey travel trailer it is sitting down on the parking strip along the fence by Nucor Steel across from WS Althletic Club.  

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