FLOWERS! West Seattle Junction’s hanging baskets have arrived

(WSB photos)

Here’s a seasonal West Seattle tradition that the pandemic hasn’t pre-empted – The Junction’s hanging flower baskets! Installation started early this morning. Baskets of greenery, with some early blossoms, lined the sidewalks outside stores and restaurants, waiting to go up:

This is the fourth year the 90-plus baskets have been offered by the West Seattle Junction Association for “adoption,” with donors supporting the summer-long display. (We’ve adopted one each year.) When you visit The Junction in the days and weeks ahead, look closely for the plaques ID’ing the adopters, and watch the baskets grow ever more colorful all season long!

12 Replies to "FLOWERS! West Seattle Junction's hanging baskets have arrived"

  • Karen May 19, 2020 (10:07 am)

    Cannot wait to find my Mother’s Day/Birthday basket!

  • Um, No! May 19, 2020 (10:29 am)

    Maintaining 6 foot social distance vs. making sure your coworker doesn’t fall off a ladder and break his neck.  Decisions decisions!  Today’s world………..  

    • Eric1 May 19, 2020 (12:14 pm)

       “He is intelligent, but not experienced.  His pattern indicates 2 dimensional thinking”  Spock WOK.  The guy on the ladder is clearly 1 rung + above the head of the safety man stabilizing the ladder.  Unless the guy is using a non-OSHA approved ladder, the rungs are 12″ +/- 2″ apart.  So unless the guy on the ladder is 4’6″ tall, their heads are 6′ apart.   Of course all bets are off if digestive gas discharge carries the virus but I think that would cause other issues.     

      • Um, No May 19, 2020 (2:51 pm)

        LOL!   Didn’t even think about gas?   Hey,  we’re learning more and more about the virus everyday.  My poor wife!     

  • Coastie May 19, 2020 (10:29 am)

    These baskets always amaze me. They are so lush and beautiful! They are like little hanging gardens of Eden. Thank you for displaying them, they are good for the soul.

  • WSL May 19, 2020 (11:31 am)

    Who makes these beautiful baskets, and do they offer a class on how to work this magic?

    • Julia May 19, 2020 (5:37 pm)

      The West Seattle Garden Club tried to reach out to the supplier last year, but the Junction Assn. wouldn’t give us the name. We hoped to get a speaker for a meeting.

    • Julia May 19, 2020 (5:43 pm)

      The West Seattle Garden Club wanted to contact the supplier last year, but the Junction Assn. wouldn’t tell us who they are. We hoped they could speak at a meeting — we want to learn how they do it! We sponsor a basket each year.

  • Gill May 19, 2020 (11:46 am)

    We enjoy enjoy them every year even though we’re White Centerites!  Thank you West Seattle.

  • Edmunds Slope May 19, 2020 (12:22 pm)

    Hanging baskets – my favorite time of year!

  • Marshall May 20, 2020 (5:33 am)

    In January, we receive our order of the latest patented flowering plants, plant them in the containers at our heated greenhouse, and grow, until delivery mid-May.   Maintenance is most important with daily water, weekly fertilizer, insect control, and bi-weekly deadheading,   The roots are deep which will give each plant room to flourish and grow 3-4’ skirts of trailing blooms by end of June.  Enjoy.

    • Matthew May 24, 2020 (7:12 pm)

      They are gorgeous, and a great tradition for the Junction! My husband and and I adopted a basket this year and were looking for the plaques but couldn’t see them. Are we missing somewhere obvious?

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