12:39 PM: We’ve seen sun, rain, and now hail today – the photo above is how the street looked outside WSB HQ a short time ago. Could be wild weather off and on all afternoon – the forecast calls for possible thunderstorms.

P.S. For contrast – a reader near Lincoln Park shared this photo from just a few hours ago:

12:51 PM: The NWS shares a high-level view:

ADDED 2 PM: More photos and video – thank you! First, from Stephen @ Lowman Beach:

Video from Troy in Gatewood:

10 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Hailstorm hits"

  • JimP March 30, 2020 (12:52 pm)

    About the size pf pencil erasers and heavy enough to rattle my front door and turn the ground white close to Westwood Village.

  • Kris March 30, 2020 (1:28 pm)

    March is leaving like a lion, not a lamb!

  • Margelyn Carpenter March 30, 2020 (1:42 pm)

    What’s next? frogs? fish? rats?

    • Pelicans March 30, 2020 (6:00 pm)

      Kitchen sinks?

    • LG March 30, 2020 (8:52 pm)

      Don’t forget locusts 

  • ArborHeights March 30, 2020 (4:22 pm)

    Anyone else lose Internet? Wondering if Century Link is reporting outages

  • TM March 30, 2020 (4:27 pm)

    I’m betting on locusts, maybe boils?

  • AEH March 30, 2020 (5:18 pm)

    Was out for a run at Riverview park when it hit (quite literally, ouch) about half past noon. Ran under some limited tree cover until the worst was over. 

  • Steve March 30, 2020 (7:56 pm)

    My kitties and I were napping and they were like, “Are we supposed to run?” They looked at me and figured, “nah, Fatso’s staying put.” And we continued to nap.

    • Jackie March 30, 2020 (10:25 pm)

      Best comment of the day, right there.

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