If you are a longtime WSB reader, you know that most days, we feature West Seattle bird photos with the daily calendar highlights. But the no-event orders mean no highlights. However, thanks to your neighbors, we have bird photos to share anyway!
That’s a Red-Breasted Sapsucker, photographed by Mark Wangerin. Below, the even-more-colorful Golden Pheasant:
That photo’s from Lori on Genesee Hill; Riley spotted it this week too. Sightings have recurred in recent years, including last spring, about the same time this celebrity bird first showed up in West Seattle:
This afternoon, The West Seattle Turkey turned up on Snake Hill, sipping from that pothole near 31st/Findlay; Tyler and Gabbi sent the photo. Yesterday, TWST wandered north to 35th/Edmunds – this photo was texted:
And from Chris Frankovich – a Bald Eagle:
Thanks to everyone who sends photos – birds, breaking news, bears, or … westseattleblog@gmail.com or text 206-293-6302!