Summer concert dates, movie-series revival, and more @ Admiral Neighborhood Association

February 12, 2020 5:44 pm
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Toplines from last night’s Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting:

SUMMER CONCERTS AT HIAWATHA: The lineup’s not finalized yet, but coordinator Stephanie Jordan says the dates are – July 16, 23, and 30,and August 6, 13, and 20.

WEST SEATTLE OUTDOOR MOVIES: ANA is looking at reviving the series; a committee is moving forward and hoping to show 6 movies on a schedule that would resemble the old one in July and August. Right now they have no set location and are looking at a few different places and studying each for logistics (adequate space, power supply, access). At this point no movies have been selected as the logistics are still being worked out.

BUSINESS SURVEY: The ANA’s planning another try at organizing local businesses. Rob Braby shared some numbers of note:

*Total of 135 businesses between Admiral and Charlestown.

*73 south of Admiral, with 18 of those around the general Charlestown area.

*25 restaurants

*22 personal-services businesses (salons, barbers, nails, spas)

*14 retail

CENSUS: – A guest speaker explained how it will work – you’ll get a form in the mail. Forms will go out in April, and the King County portion is expected to run throughout April and into May. If you don’t return the form, you’ll get a visit from a census taker. If you get a phone call from someone claiming to be with the Census, don’t talk to them – it’s bogus – they are not contacting people by phone. If you get a visit, the census person should be able to show you proper ID. Some Q&A: Are they counting unsheltered people? Yes, they have a plan for that. What about the controversial citizenship question? The forms have 10 questions and that is not among them.

COMMUNITY SURVEY UPDATE: ANA president David Hancock said he’s still compiling the “other” answers, where people could skip the multiple-choice answers and could reply with a comment. Otherwise he said about 250 completed surveys came in. The top result for what the ANA should look into: Expanded or revised Metro service. Behind that, there were requests for a medical clinic and a
farmers’ market. Meeting attendees discussed how to get back to the people who answered the survey and whether future ANA meetings should incorporate those topics. They’ll be contacting Metro, but that aside, Hancock stressed that ANA members need to take charge and own a topic, the way people have taken on Art Walk participation, movie-series revival, and the long-running concert series. Overall, the consensus was that addressing the key topics of interest might bring people to the meetings, and new participants might include someone who wants to steer a topic.

NEXT MEETING: Next month, ANA will move to the second Wednesday – that’ll be March 11th, 6:30 pm, Admiral Congregational Church (4320 SW Hill).

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