Tuesday, a WSB commenter posted a photo of The West Seattle Turkey, saying they had spotted it in the Springline garage in south Admiral. This morning, we got the photo above via email from a resident saying they too had seen it, plus another reader pointed out a social media post expressing concern The Turkey is “stuck” in that garage. We went over and looked at the ungated retail-visitor side of the garage, also peering into the gated residential side, no sign of it, but are hoping it is OK – let us know if you have updated info on its status.

13 Replies to "THE WEST SEATTLE TURKEY: Holiday parking"

  • Plf January 1, 2020 (11:44 am)

    Someone on genesse blog indicated our sweet turkey was in her yard this morning so looks like she took shelter last night and is now out and about

    • WSB January 1, 2020 (12:01 pm)

      Thanks; the person who sent this photo said the turkey was not in evidence when they left sometime later so I was hoping TWST had escaped.

  • Lauren January 1, 2020 (12:24 pm)

    The turkey was in my yard this morning! I think he/she is okay.

  • Keith January 1, 2020 (12:35 pm)

    Genesse blog?

  • Mj January 1, 2020 (3:24 pm)

    AT is looking well.  I’m curious how AT came to area in the first place?

  • Kalo January 1, 2020 (4:31 pm)

    Does this beautiful creature have a name yet? How bout Twister? (TWST)

  • Mj January 1, 2020 (5:58 pm)

    Admiral Turkey, aka AT since its hood is the Admiral District

    • West Seattle Guy January 1, 2020 (6:48 pm)

      I’m completely happy with admiral gobbles.

  • Lola January 1, 2020 (7:32 pm)

    I thought they named her Teluhla.  At least that is what I have seen on other posts about her. 

  • miws January 1, 2020 (8:08 pm)

    Commenters have come up with several great names for the Turkey the past several months, but my favorite is “Admiral Belvedere”.—Mike

    • newnative January 2, 2020 (9:52 am)

      Yeah, that’s what I call him, Admiral Belvedere. 

  • steve January 1, 2020 (11:39 pm)

    The turkey’s name is Carl.

    • waikikigirl January 2, 2020 (5:54 am)

      “Carl” That’s my Mom in Laws “Ex’s”  name and I think she’d totally agree with you Steve! LOL!!!

Sorry, comment time is over.