NEXT SUNDAY: 1st of 4 ways to celebrate silver anniversary of spawning salmon’s return to Fauntleroy Creek

(“Harry & Louise,” 1994, photo courtesy Southwest Seattle Historical Society)

Not too soon to make your plan for what to do after the NEXT Seahawks game. Take the family to be part of the first event in a special salmon-return season at Fauntleroy Creek: The silver anniversary of “Harry and Louise,” the nicknames given to the first spawners in modern history to return to the creek, spotted in October 1994. Fauntleroy Creek advocate Judy Pickens explains how you can be part of the celebration this season, next Sunday and beyond:

October is spawning season on Fauntleroy Creek and you have four opportunities to get in on the action, starting next weekend.

Drum in spawners. The annual drumming (Sunday, Oct. 20, 5 pm), will entice spawners into the creek and begin a year-long “Silver Anniversary” for Harry and Louise, the first spawning pair in modern history, who arrived in October 1994. Bring a drum of any kind or just yourself to this free rain-or-shine event. Drumming will guide you to the creek level at 4539 SW Director Place (near SW Director and upper Fauntleroy Way SW).

Become a salmon watcher. Starting Oct. 20, volunteers will work in half-hour shifts to document activity in the spawning reach near the Fauntleroy Ferry Terminal during the five hours after high tide. Email for details and to get on the list.

Come to a creek open house. The West Seattle Blog will announce this free weekend event, depending on when spawners arrive.

Come to the Fauntleroy Fall Festival. Volunteers will be on hand near the salmon-hat booth in the church parking lot (Sunday, Oct. 27, 2-5 pm) to answer questions and invite you to sign a “Silver Anniversary” poster honoring Harry and Louise.

Fauntleroy Creek is one of just a few salmon creeks remaining in the city limits.

6 Replies to "NEXT SUNDAY: 1st of 4 ways to celebrate silver anniversary of spawning salmon's return to Fauntleroy Creek"

  • thee October 14, 2019 (8:19 am)

    These are hatchery raised fish, right?

  • Judy October 14, 2019 (9:56 am)

    Those with clipped fins were released as smolts by hatcheries and, without a natal creek, they have to sniff around for suitable spawning habitat. Those with all their fins could be home hatch from spawning here or fish reared by students from hatchery eggs through Salmon in the Schools and released here.  It’s always a mix.

  • soarringcam October 14, 2019 (10:01 am)

    Eastern Washington Dams block thousands of Salmon from spawning.Just one example,  Before they built a Dam on Lake Kachess, it was loaded with Salmon.Washington State is doing nothing significant.OneRogueCloud

  • 935 October 14, 2019 (12:16 pm)

    Hey Soaringcam – Ballard dam and locks, the rerouting of the Black river, the filling of delta of the green river (creating harbor island) the regrades and the complete eradication of the lk washington/lk union to salmon bay hydrology has eradicated millions of salmon.
    Let’s not start throwing stones when we should be looking at ourselves 1st.

  • soarringcam October 14, 2019 (7:56 pm)

    Thank you. Everyone needs to know about all these issues.Just getting the word out on one of hundreds of barriers to migrating salmon. Our lawmakers are not doing enough.I release wild salmon.

  • Dennis Hinton October 15, 2019 (9:56 pm)

    Saving our salmon is a huge task. But every one of us can do something to help, no matter how small it might seem. Like not letting your dog poop in the creek.

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