Crime concerns/questions? Your next chance to talk with police

Every month, the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meeting brings the chance to talk with local police about neighborhood concerns. Tomorrow night brings the last meeting before the WSCPC’s summer hiatus, and leader Richard Miller tells us there’s no featured guest – though local police leaders will be there as always – so that means more time than ever to ask questions and bring up concerns. Be at the Southwest Precinct (2300 SW Webster) at 7 pm Tuesday.

1 Reply to "Crime concerns/questions? Your next chance to talk with police"

  • St June 17, 2019 (7:21 pm)

    I know this isn’t a popular opinion but I have been to meetings like this in Seattle and have let officers know about various problems via email and citizen tickets on for years. On one hand it’s good to be able to talk about problems and I appreciate the frequent community forums. But if police can’t address the issues due to politics or staffing levels, then why bother. Like many others, I am growing more frustrated by the day and I’m not even talking about homelessness. This city breeds apathy. I’m getting tired of being tired. Less talk, more work on problems that have been reported over and over. We don’t need boutique service. Just take some action on feedback from the citizens.

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