CONGRATULATIONS! Chief Sealth IHS alum Nicole Roed gets All-America honors in water polo

The report and photo are from proud mom Cori Roed:

Nicole Roed (Chief Sealth ’15) just graduated with a degree in exercise science from Cal Lutheran University and was named 1st Team All-American for Water Polo 2019.

So far this summer, Cori adds, Nicole is “currently coaching swim and water polo at Arbor Heights Swim and Tennis Club and looking for a job in the sports sciences.”

She is now a three-time All-American! She helped lead her team to its first national-championship tournament appearance in a decade.

6 Replies to "CONGRATULATIONS! Chief Sealth IHS alum Nicole Roed gets All-America honors in water polo"

  • Toni Reineke June 1, 2019 (9:51 pm)

    Way to go, Cori!!!!!!!!

  • Nw mama June 2, 2019 (8:53 am)

    So cool!   How do we get our kids into water polo without having a membership to a private pool?  Waitlists are forever!

  • Karman’s June 2, 2019 (9:40 am)

    Way to go Nicole!!

  • Mara Haveson June 2, 2019 (9:49 am)

    Great job Nicole!!!!

  • Lorrie Brogan June 2, 2019 (7:42 pm)

    Wow!  Congratulations, thanks for sharing Cori.  You must be very proud!

  • Cori Roed June 3, 2019 (12:30 pm) – summer is dedicated to the teams headed to the junior olympics but look for fall sessions starting in August.For the summer – there are some summer teams that don’t require you to be a club member to play (teams are newer and looking to fill out their roster). Check with Lake Ridge Swim Club and Gregory Seahurst Swim and Tennis Club. If you are willing to drive a bit further I believe Sand Point CC is also still in “growth mode”.Get your kids in the pool! #bestgameever

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