SIGHTINGS: The West Seattle turkey continues heading north

One week ago – Arbor Heights and Seola. A few days ago, Fauntleroy. Now … still northbound:

Fred sent that photo after a Beach Drive backyard sighting on Sunday. Today, a texted photo from Alki Point:

Where will “the West Seattle turkey” turn up next? Is it the same one that wandered the peninsula exactly three years ago? We haven’t yet checked in with Seattle Animal Shelter but that year, they told us their guess was that the wandering turkey had escaped from “someone’s private flock.”

14 Replies to "SIGHTINGS: The West Seattle turkey continues heading north"

  • Chas Redmond May 6, 2019 (9:15 pm)

    I was walking around the Avenue of Stars section of Alki his afternoon about 6:30 and there were two seagulls have an absolute fit – squaking, flying and dive-bombing but quickly flying away – ultimately giving the roof of the apartment building to the turkey, who appeared to be perplexed by the gulls fear. One gull flew to the top of a power pole and displaced a crow, who then spent about 5 dive-bomb attempts at getting the gull of the center pole, and eventually – himself – settled for the end of the crossbeam about two feet from the now-ensconced gull.  Bird drama in the ‘hood.

    • WiseWoman May 10, 2019 (2:46 am)

      I’d bet it had to wait for 3-4 cars to go by b4 one actually stopped while at crosswalk.#ReallyARoadRunner #Looking4Entry2NextCarShow

  • Raffi May 6, 2019 (10:45 pm)

    This turkey was strutting down my street (near Cormorant Cove) this morning.  Hilarious. Had that deer visit a few years back, can’t wait to see what animal is next…

  • Tim on Alki May 7, 2019 (8:28 am)

    The turkey is cruising around at the north end of Alki near the lighthouse. I’ve seen it jumping from roof to roof and snacking on some grass. Never thought I’d see this on Alki! 😂

  • Jim May 7, 2019 (9:05 am)

    Tom (Bodell) Turkey (wife) going everywhere. Sighted yesterday late afternoon in pine tree at E. end of Benton Place near Constellation Park. Don’t know where she’ll end up next, but we’ll leave the light on.   

  • Karen May 7, 2019 (2:14 pm)

    If you see the turkey, call animal control at 206-386-7387. They will try and catch her and adopt her out. 

  • not yourbackyard May 7, 2019 (6:52 pm)

    Can’t you just leave the wild things be? It’s not like she’s taking your seat on the bus.

  • B.W. May 7, 2019 (7:43 pm)

    Ya, let the turkey be. It’s cool to see it around.

  • anonyme May 8, 2019 (6:33 am)

    It would be nice if we could just let wild things be, but she’s either going to be hit by a car, eaten by a coyote or dog, or captured and eaten by some opportunistic, two-legged predator.  I hope someone takes her in, but it seems likely that she’s not alone.  Like many other species that have had their habitats decimated, turkeys are the latest to move into urban environments.

  • Kathleen Fueger May 8, 2019 (8:08 am)

    This morning shortly after 6 am she walked along Alki near 63rd and then crossed the street (in the crosswalk!) near Cactus. Several cars at the intersection stopped to let her pass. 

  • Alexander May 8, 2019 (7:49 pm)

    Turkey will be fine on it’s own leave it be.

  • Michael Harring May 13, 2019 (8:39 am)

    Sighted on Belvidere and Stevens this morning.

    • Jann May 15, 2019 (8:37 pm)

      Sighted on Belvidere and Olga at 7:30 PM on May 14.  Turkey is quite the celebrity and somewhat fearless.  It was walking on the sidewalk only a few feet from kids playing.  It’s too big to be attacked by a cat.  We do have a bald eagle in the area but they are opportunistic and more interested in fish not turkeys.  Maybe someone with backyard chickens can entice the turkey to take refuge.

  • Theo May 16, 2019 (1:40 pm)

    In my yard on Lander and  38th Ave SW.

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