Another unusual bird sighting in West Seattle

Yesterday we featured a reader photo of the Golden Pheasant that’s been seen around southwestern West Seattle – today, these photos from Arbor Heights. Turkey?

You might recall the spate of turkey sightings three years ago (though some disputed what it was).

18 Replies to "Another unusual bird sighting in West Seattle"

  • waikikigirl April 28, 2019 (1:44 pm)

    OK this is just “weird”… someone has forgotten to close the gate and these birds have flown the coop! LOL!!!    

  • CAM April 28, 2019 (1:49 pm)

    Reading through the comments on the older linked post, the photos attached cracked me up. I don’t know if it’s just me and something odd about how my browser cached the info but the photos people inserted into their comments before are completely different from what they are describing. I particularly enjoyed the comment which described the sad lost turkey but instead had photos attached of an abandoned bike. 

    • WSB April 28, 2019 (2:13 pm)

      Unfortunately that remains a glitch in our system – photos uploaded to comments don’t display properly after a certain amount of time elapses and we can’t figure out why.

      • waikikigirl April 28, 2019 (4:09 pm)

        @WSB, since we’re sort of the same subject, glitch, every once in awhile in the forum section a post from way, way back will show as current and it’ll have a “new” posted comment but there is none…so how did it bump back up to the top?

        • WSB April 28, 2019 (4:29 pm)

          Please e-mail us if you see glitches, with the URL of the thread (which you can get via the browser window or the Share This link) so we can troubleshoot; thanks.

      • Cody April 29, 2019 (1:03 pm)

        It sounds like the database that maintains photos is smaller than the database that maintains text (which is a viable structure). Most likely photos are set to save for a year or a set number of files, and then are replaced by whatever takes their space. 

        • WSB April 29, 2019 (1:12 pm)

          Actually the plug-in that allows image uploads in comments doesn’t send them to the same section as the photos we upload (those photos are all still exactly where they belong). Not usually an issue as much of what is reported and discussed here has a short shelf life BUT we have already made great efforts to be sure that the archives remain true to what was published going back to day 1 in 2005 so I do need to renew our investigation into this … thank you.

  • Peggy April 28, 2019 (4:32 pm)

    Looks like a wild turkey hen. Not normally seen in this area, must have wandered from its captive home.

  • Pixie B April 28, 2019 (4:57 pm)

    This bird is possibly a female peacock, though I am not certain. They are very similar to Turkeys in the wild. This one does not look like the lady turkey in the bird book. There were several exotic birds behind my Port Angeles house.  The owners moved and let them go wild.  Female peacocks were everywhere.

    • Peggy April 28, 2019 (6:25 pm)

      The female pea hen has a crown of feathers and the same white face markings  as the peacock. It has green iridescence on the back of its neck, and an overall body plumage of brown.

  • Tim April 28, 2019 (7:16 pm)

    I’m thinking turkey hen. I lived in Mendocino County California they were all over.

  • Rob April 28, 2019 (7:56 pm)

    Not that far away a couple turkeys just like this used to be around Steve Cox park in White Center. May have moved on up to Arbor Heights.

  • Paul April 28, 2019 (9:10 pm)

    I think it’s a bird

  • Rick April 29, 2019 (7:25 am)

    What’s for dinner?

  • ARPigeonPoint April 29, 2019 (12:37 pm)

    I’m laughing so hard at this one.  Wild turkeys are everyyyywhere in the Bay Area where I grew up.  It never crossed my mind a sighting would be unusual here.

    • WSB April 29, 2019 (1:15 pm)

      And for another example, in Boston, where our son lived for a couple years. We got to see them on a visit a couple years ago. He’s in the Midwest now and I miss those occasional texts of turkey pics …

  • ARPigeonPoint April 29, 2019 (12:40 pm)

  • Jet City May 7, 2019 (9:20 am)

    I’ll take my camera and hopefully catch sight of the bird on the shore at Alki with the city skyline in the background. I’d like a shot of wild turkey on the rocks.

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