UPDATE: Rescue response for West Marginal Way SW collision

10:52 AM: Seattle Fire is sending a “rescue extrication” response to the 5400 block of West Marginal Way SW (map). It’s reported via radio communication as a car/semitruck collision with one person trapped. The northbound lanes of West Marginal are reported to be blocked.

11:05 AM: The seriously injured person in the car is reported to have been extricated.

11:16 AM: The injured man is in his 40s and the collision has been described via radio as his pickup truck rear-ending a concrete truck. He’s being taken to Harborview Medical Center.

13 Replies to "UPDATE: Rescue response for West Marginal Way SW collision"

  • Ryan January 25, 2019 (10:58 am)

    Too bad to hear about this. Very dangerous area as cars drive too fast too allow trucks in and out, and trucks often pull out and cross/block lanes without leaving cars enough room to stop. Not sure if there is an effective solution for a street that basically amounts to a combined local highway and commercial access road. Hope the rescue attempt is successful.

  • dunnkld January 25, 2019 (11:37 am)

    Another possibly avoidable tragedy with serious injury. We seem to hear about these daily. Most vehicle crashes are the result of illegal and anti-social behavior.  Driving over the speed limit (widely practiced) is against the law and anti-social since it endangers people around you. Not saying that this is what happened in this case, just making a general cautionary statement in case someone is thinking of ever driving over the speed limit.

  • sam-c January 25, 2019 (11:54 am)

    It is a miracle there aren’t more severe accidents like
    this, on this stretch.  There definitely
    are speeding drivers.  I’ve seen them in
    my rearview mirror, tailgating me before they give up, pass me, and speed off
    into the distance.  Only to be sitting at
    the red light, when I eventually catch up to them.


    Then, many of the large trucks pull out of driveways and
    change lanes as if they are the only ones on the road.  More than once I’ve had to slam on my brakes
    to avoid an accident.  Yes, I was going
    the speed limit.  The truck pulled out,
    making a left turn right in front of me. Good thing brakes work on a 30mph to
    0mph in a limited distance, otherwise I would have t-boned / slid under the

    • WSB January 25, 2019 (12:06 pm)

      Please note that we know NOTHING about this except that the pickup driver rear-ended the concrete truck. It’s up to investigators to make a final determination but some of what else was said has me wondering if the pickup driver might have suffered a medical problem.

      • sam-c January 25, 2019 (1:07 pm)

        I wasn’t making a claim to know what happened in this incident, just noting how dangerous that stretch of road can be, similar to what Ryan said. And also providing a counter-point to what  DUNNKLD said, since  he was mentioning that ‘most’ accidents are caused by speeding drivers.  There’s opportunity for accidents in this area, without speeding drivers as a factor (as I’ve witnessed).

  • Kalo January 25, 2019 (1:14 pm)

    The truck rear ended the cement truck.  The truck was not pulling out of the driveway.  What we saw when we drove by appeared to definitely be no fault of the cement truck. That being said, we hope the driver of the pick up will be OK. It was a full sized pick up reduced to about half it’s size. Really bad! 

  • Jort January 25, 2019 (1:27 pm)

    Our dependence on cars goes hand in hand with one of the highest rates of car-related deaths and serious injuries in the developed world. It is time to start designing our society around safer alternatives. 

  • NW January 25, 2019 (1:48 pm)

    Know this area well and drive for a living as a delivery drive non commercial I have lived here my entire life and have observed in the last decade how driving around this region is increasingly becoming more and more congested and people ,this is my own observation only, are drinking exceedingly erratic and at high speeds over the speed limit. Hope the people involved in the accident are ok and please drive safely. 

  • Benjamin January 25, 2019 (3:15 pm)

    Not to turn this into a flame war here WSB.  BUT!  Speeding is a real issue that most of think is “fine for me to do because I am a great driver.”  It’s the #2 cause of fatalities after drunk driving.  And how many of those drunk drivers do we think were not speeding?  https://www.curbed.com/2017/7/28/16051780/us-traffic-death-speeding-statistics-speeding

  • Holdenon January 25, 2019 (5:31 pm)

    As I drove by (southbound on West Marginal) I could see the relatively new gray pick-up truck slammed and crumpled squarely onto the rear of the double-haul concrete truck. If anyone were looking where they were going on this beautiful bright day, they could not have missed the huge white concrete vehicle. Living here and driving this road to work everyday since 1980, I notice these double haul concrete trucks always traveling at or below the speed limit.  IF the pickup truck driver had a medical emergency it must have caused him to depress the accelerator.

  • Don Brubeck January 25, 2019 (6:32 pm)

    Sorry to hear about this crash. It is a dangerous road. This seems like a good moment to suggest support for the Duwamish Tribe’s application to the Neighborhood Street Fund for a crosswalk with pedestrian-activated signal from the Longhouse to Herrings’ House Park, and a sidewalk on the west side to parking to the north.  Please vote online starting Jan 28 for application ID 2019-134, or go to the community meeting Saturday, February 2, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm, Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 4408 Delridge Way SW.

    • dunnkld January 26, 2019 (10:56 am)

      Don, I was alarmed to read in the Blog’s WSTC meeting report that they are proposing a “slowdown signal” for this crossing.  I hope this is a mistake. I think they need a  full red light for pedestrians to safely cross at the Longhouse. I worry about “double jeopardy” since it is two  general traffic lanes each direction. Where one car stops but the others don’t see the pedestrian and cruise right through.

  • Tyler Printz January 26, 2019 (1:52 am)

    A friend of mine was driving down west marginal when this wreak happened. He said a black pickup flew by him going what he guessed to be around 70 mph and disappeared around the corner. A few minutes later he came across the wreak before first responders showed up. His son took a photo and posted it to his Facebook. It is a really bad accident. (There were people there already calling for help)

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