West Seattle Crime Watch: Gunfire investigation

Police are finding shell casings in the 12th/Trenton vicinity, per radio communication, after multiple 911 callers reported hearing gunfire in the area. One caller is reported to have seen someone firing a gun from a car that was seeing going northbound on 13th, then southbound on 12th. No reports of any shooting victims so far.

1 Reply to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Gunfire investigation"

  • HP resident November 30, 2018 (12:23 pm)

    This happened too close to home.  Heard the shots as did many of my neighbors.  This happened in a quiet residential area.  We know our neighbors and can’t imagine anyone living around us being targeted.  Feel I’ve been reading about several random shooting incidents around King County lately.  Hoping the police have some lead.  Feel so powerless this morning.  I love my neighborhood, West Seattle, and Seattle in general, but not sure I can continue to live in fear of letting my children play outside, walk to a friend’s house down the block, ride the metro as teenagers, or simply mature without me being a helicopter parent.

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