Dog Day @ West Seattle Beer and Music Festival

1:43 PM: The final afternoon of the first-ever West Seattle Beer and Music Festival is under way, and you’re invited to bring your dog today. The spotlight right now is on the City Dog Magazine Cover Dog Model Search, on stage here at the Alki Masonic Center in The Junction (4736 40th SW), with the $10 entry fee for that competition benefiting a rescue organization – and getting your dog primped for the occasion with experts to assist.

It’s not mandatory that you have a canine companion, of course – you do have to be 21+ to enter. If you were here Friday and/or Saturday, you are invited back today, too. Even if you’re not a major beer aficionado, other beverages are available courtesy of local purveyors – for example, Jay and Mike from Whisky West in Morgan Junction (WSB sponsor) is here with a cocktail they’re calling “Bring Us a Shrubbery”:

In it – Noble Oak bourbon, house-made strawberry shrub, Montenegro, simple syrup, and basil. Find it (and other local purveyors’ offerings in the Spirit Lounge area.) The festival continues until 6 pm; ticket info’s here.

2:21 PM: The dog judging’s under way now; host Joey Jeannot‘s announcing the contest onstage. He’s also pointed out that today’s food offerings include tacos from Matador as well as hot dogs and Sisters and Brothers Nashville-style fried-chicken sandwiches.

3:04 PM: 4-year-old Coral won this session of the model search!

(Substituted for our original cameraphone photo, above are Coral and her humans Audrey and Erica)

The competition’s over, but dogs remain welcome at the festival today.

DJ Indica Jones is spinning until 5 pm.

15 Replies to "Dog Day @ West Seattle Beer and Music Festival"

  • jissy August 26, 2018 (2:11 pm)

    Careful little doggies… hope you have your ear protection on, in case you hadn’t heard, the music there is VERY LOUD!!!

    • WSB August 26, 2018 (2:46 pm)

      We’re here right now, have been for an hour-plus, and it hasn’t seemed that loud. (Of course we can’t attest to what it sounds like several floors up – which seemed to be the primary complaint location.) We also talked to organizer Joey, who said they had made changes after Night 1. The festival is over at 6 pm today and there are no bands this afternoon, just a DJ. – TR

  • My two cents ... August 26, 2018 (3:11 pm)

    ” … they had made changes after Night 1. .” FANCY THAT! Just took someone to address their concerns to someone in charge and look what happens! All of the previous ranters should be ashamed of themselves for their vitriolic tone and comments over this event. 

    • Rick August 26, 2018 (5:01 pm)

      Ooooohhh! I can be critical of others to assert my superiority! Easy from a keyboard.

    • Mr E August 26, 2018 (6:57 pm)

      Or maybe – just maybe – the event organizers did not think through all the details of an event in a parking lot, cradled by people who simply wanted peace and quiet in their apartments. You know, where people live with their pets and families?All of the previous ranters have every right to be upset with a festival that had no business being in a parking lot. What idiot stages a music festival in a parking lot?

      • K August 26, 2018 (7:33 pm)

        There’s a difference between ranting online about loss of quality of life and threatening class auction lawsuits vs. being upset and asking frstival organizers to turn down their music, and acknowledging that people make mistakes. It’s doesnt have to be 100mph of hate every time someone on the opposing side makes a mistake. I’m sure the music was too loud, personal liberties were not assaulted and lives were not ruined, and there was no intent to do so. FWIW, I’m also a care provider for two people with autism, I’m well aware of how loud music can affect vulnerable populations.

      • Out for a Walk August 26, 2018 (10:52 pm)

        Someone or some company is making a ton of money off this event….. Maybe even City Hall!  Why are these ridiculous events allowed to proceed?  Because someone is making a ton of money from them —at your expense, meaning all you folks that live nearby …….  What to do?  Write the Mayor, our city council representative Lisa Herbold, and the Rep from the entire city who just happens to live in West Seattle!  . …..All of this is getting “way out of hand “.     Let our elected folks know how ypu feel,   The “silent majority “ needs to be heard. 

        • Nancy August 27, 2018 (8:19 am)

          Yes, I heard that Sub Pop really raked in the money from their Alki event.Sarcasm aside… as for this event…  I mean, I think you’re confused about who the “silent majority” is.  There were a number of REALLY vocal people complaining who are vastly outnumbered by people who realize it’s only one summer weekend and they should all just relax.  So you’re really barking up the wrong tree with your whole the majority of people hate music and parties and festivals and ought to complain.  So yeah.

  • Meyer August 26, 2018 (7:26 pm)

    This was so much fun! I’m happy and proud that our peninsula has something like this. Plus, some of the money goes to a good cause. Saw a lot of good doggies today and sipped some delicious beer. Also the music wasn’t loud at all.

  • T August 26, 2018 (9:55 pm)

    I wish there wasn’t something going on every day in WS. I remember when it wasn’t this way and it was fine. But it’s reasonable for cities to evolve/change. I guess there just comes a time when people have to move on and find a new place to call home.”

    • T August 26, 2018 (10:24 pm)

      By people moving on, I mean me and those like minded.

      • Nancy August 27, 2018 (8:24 am)

        You are right, West Seattle seems less sleepy now, and those that moved here for peace and quiet might find that unsettling.  But I’m really not sure any of the people living in the new apartments surrounding this festival had any reason to think they were moving into a quiet bedroom community.As for you and others who pine for seclusion and quiet, yeah, I guess if that’s your priority you should move.  Pretty simple.

  • WGA August 26, 2018 (10:39 pm)

    Yes, it was loud, I live in a building right behind the apartment building across 40th from the parking lot. I love in city living and that is what AK Junction is becoming so noise is tolerable. And it ened at a reasonable hour.My primary complaint is that these events do not cater to people like myself who do not drink alcohol.I walked down to the entrance and asked what NA beverages they served and the response was “water and maybe the bar can make you a Shirley Temple”. Uh?? They could easily have set up some stand that served local root beers or NA ciders. It just seems to me form of discrimination. I have been to other brew pubs that don’t sell NA beer, only water. One person went so far as saying I could pay the $10 non-drinking admin and come in and listen to the music “Its for a good cause”. What? I could just stand outside on the sidewalk and do that-Or even go back to my condo and hear the music there!I went home, made a virgin mojito, and listened to the music from my deck. I wonder if other readers have had this issue? These brewery events look cool and have a lot of interesting people and music, but they do not cater to those of us who don’t care for alcoholic beverages.

    • Howpossible August 27, 2018 (3:22 am)

      @WGA-stupidest comment of all time. It’s called the beer and music festival. You don’t want beer, and you don’t want to go in and listen to the music- but you’re mad you couldn’t pay $45 for some root beer at an event that you consider too loud?! You feel discriminated against, even though they welcomed you at a discount? What about the all the events and establishments that do not sell alcohol- do they discriminate against drinkers? A bike shop does not sell cars- do they discriminate against drivers? Vegan restaurants discriminate against carnivores? Of course brewpubs don’t cater to those who don’t drink alcohol- why should they? If there was a genuine market for NA beers, they would certainly offer them! You don’t want to go there anyway, why do you feel the need to inflict yourself upon everything !?

  • My two cents ... August 27, 2018 (7:03 pm)

    Never would have I thought that this topic would bring out so many tin foil hats!

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