‘Supercar’ ZwingRally due to cruise Alki on Saturday morning

Just found out about this from Seattle Police at the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network meeting: The “supercar” rally promoted in the video above is due to take an Alki lap on Saturday morning. It’s called the ZwingRally, and it promises a luxury experience for up to 120 “super cars” and their drivers/passengers at $1,250 per person for the weekend. On Saturday morning at 9:15 am, according to the ZwingRally website, they’ll head out from downtown to Alki, and then after “a lap,” they’re headed south to Portland. We’ll be pinging the organizer to see what else we can find out.

13 Replies to "'Supercar' ZwingRally due to cruise Alki on Saturday morning"

  • H May 22, 2018 (8:58 pm)

    Oh dear. I was momentarily transported to Vegas. 😂

  • Mike May 22, 2018 (9:55 pm)

    So basically it’s Lake Washington Blvd. in Kirkland on any given night?  Zzzzzzzz….  

  • Car Enthusiast May 22, 2018 (10:31 pm)

    Thanks WSB! I’m looking forward to this, and frankly surprised I just found out it was happening. This will be similar to the GoldRush Rally that came through Seattle a while back, except that rally didn’t go by Alki.

  • Helpful May 23, 2018 (12:14 am)

    According to the video- you get to race around and do cookies in lamborghinis, between nightclubbing with very drinky 22 year old girls..

    • Jsta May 24, 2018 (9:07 pm)

      Wtf is a “cookie”

      • SmarA$$ May 25, 2018 (1:17 pm)

        A cookie is like a donut, except with less calories. 

  • skeeter May 23, 2018 (10:56 am)

    This sounds super fun! 

  • Linda K May 23, 2018 (2:03 pm)

    I hope there is police presence in Alki so things do not get out control!

    • WSB May 23, 2018 (2:20 pm)

      Yes, the only reason we heard about this is that SPD brought it up at last night’s meeting, saying they will indeed be out there for it.

    • Totoro May 25, 2018 (10:11 pm)

      I don’t think things are going to get gnarly at 9:15am. 

  • Swede. May 23, 2018 (3:47 pm)

    How nice of the super rich to let us normies see how great they have it! 

    • Cody May 23, 2018 (10:29 pm)

      I’ll be in the rally in a $20k exotic car, aka Nissan Skyline 

      • Cracky May 24, 2018 (9:02 am)

        I think you’re looking for the StuporCar rally..

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