Updates on two cases that aren’t related but coincidentally both involved suspects arrested outside local 7-11s, with sizable-enough police responses that readers texted us. First, the man arrested Tuesday outside the Highland Park 7-11:
He is 23-year-old Tylor P. Saeteurn, a resident of Pacific, now charged with two counts of attempted residential burglary. One relates to the incident that preceded his arrest, after police were called by a neighbor reporting a burglary attempt at a house in the 1200 block of SW Othello. The other is related to a break-in on Monday in which he and another person are accused of trying to break into a house in the 10100 block of Rainier Avenue South. The residents were home at the time, and one of them chased the would-be burglars, catching the unnamed second suspect, who then allegedly bit the victim’s finger. Charging documents say that house had security video that recorded the burglars and the white Escalade in which Saeteurn was stopped on Tuesday. Prosecutors also say he told police he commits burglary to fuel his drug habit and that he had used meth and heroin both days. Saeteurn currently is awaiting trial on a charge of possessing a stolen vehicle and has a criminal history including two domestic-violence cases. He remains in the King County Jail in lieu of $60,000 bail – $50,000 in this case, $10,000 for a warrant because he had skipped a hearing in the stolen-vehicle case.
Second, the case of the man arrested by Bellevue Police (including SWAT officers) last Friday night, outside the California/Charlestown 7-11:
He is 28-year-old Nicholas R. Six, who is listed on court documents as having an address in South Admiral. He is charged with robbery and stolen-property trafficking in connection with a robbery at an apartment in Bellevue on January 14th. The charging documents say that his girlfriend, who is also charged, set up the victim by going to his apartment on the pretense of prostitution, and then texted two accomplices, allegedly including Six. Two men, both masked, one with a gun, then broke in and with the girlfriend robbed the victim of about $3,000 in cash and valuables. The court documents say investigators identified Six through a trail that included social-media messages, cell-phone records, and video involving the pawning of one of the stolen items, a gold necklace, at Bellevue Rare Coins in The Junction, as well as a jailhouse phone call made by the girlfriend after she was arrested on unrelated warrants. Court documents say Sixs criminal history includes DUI, assault, theft, and drugs, and that he “has a substance abuse problem.” He remains jailed in lieu of $225,000 bail.