(“The first daffodil is always next to the dryer vent,” observed Lura in the note accompanying her photo)
Just a sampling of what you’ll find on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for the rest of today/tonight:
ENRICHMENT PROGRAM WITH SEATTLE CHILDREN’S THEATRE: 10:30 am at Neighborhood House High Point, for preschoolers – you’re welcome to bring yours. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)
HEART-BOMBING C & P: Noon-1 pm today, Historic Seattle will be at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) for what it calls “heart-bombing” – as previewed here, a chance for fans/supporters to bring handmade valentines and pose for a group photo. (5612 California SW)
PAN AFRICAN FESTIVAL: 1-3 pm at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor), today’s event is a salsa/Afrobeat dance and music workshop. (6000 16th SW)
BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS: Both West Seattle High School teams have district-playoff games at Sammamish High School – the girls play Seattle Prep at 3:30 pm, the boys play Rainier Beach at 5 pm. (100 140th Ave SE, Bellevue)
VALENTINE COOKIE DECORATING: 4-6 pm at Senior Center of West Seattle – info in our calendar listing, including how to check if there’s any room since the RSVP date has passed. (4217 SW Oregon)
(added) COMMUNITY SAFETY MEETING ON PUGET RIDGE: Just got word of this. 6-7:30 pm at Sanislo Elementary School, in the library: “The Puget Ridge Neighborhood Council and community members have scheduled a last-minute meeting this evening to address some recent concerns in the community, especially with more and more children walking to school.” The concerns involve pedestrian safety and the need for sidewalks. (1812 SW Myrtle)
SOUND TRANSIT LIGHT RAIL OPEN HOUSE: This is it – the first big chance for you to tell Sound Transit what you think about the draft version of its plan for West Seattle light rail, and as noted again in our Monday story, this is the time to get everything out on the table. 6:30-8:30 pm, with a presentation planned at about 6:45 pm, drop-in Q&A afterward. At the Masonic Hall in The Junction. And whether you can or can’t be there, the “online open house” is open for comments too. (4736 40th SW)
SOUTH DELRIDGE COMMUNITY GROUP: 7 pm at 2 Fingers Social, this group of community-minded neighbors resumes its meeting schedule, new day/place – bring the family if you want, since 2 Fingers is all-ages until 8 pm. (9211 Delridge Way SW)
FAUNTLEROY COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: The city’s HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability upzoning proposal and how it would and would not affect Fauntleroy is a major topic of tonight’s 7 pm board meeting – see the agenda here. At Fauntleroy Schoolhouse; all welcome. (9131 California SW)
Got something for the calendar? editor@westseattleblog.com – as far in advance as possible – thank you!