(Surf scoter, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Highlights for February’s final Monday:
SOUTHWEST POOL CLOSURE: Reminder that Southwest Pool – our area’s only city-run indoor pool – is scheduled to be closed for work today through March 16th. The co-housed SW Teen Life Center and Customer Service Center remain open (except for March 11-16), Parks says.
AFTERNOON BOOK GROUP: “My Brilliant Friend” by Elena Ferrante is this month’s title for the Southwest Library afternoon book group, 2 pm. (9010 35th SW)
DROP-IN TAX HELP: That April deadline gets ever closer. Drop in for free help today, 2-7 pm at Delridge Library. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
MEATLESS MONDAY: Roasted Cauliflower with Salsa Verde is today’s recipe for Chef Kim O’Donnel‘s Meatless Monday cooking demo at West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor), 4:30 pm. (3622 SW Snoqualmie)
HELP DECIDE HOW TO SPEND $3 MILLION: 5:30-7:30 pm, first “project development” meeting for this year’s Your Voice, Your Choice park/street grant proposals in District 1 (West Seattle and South Park), as explained here. North side of South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) – at Chan Education Center. (6000 16th SW)
SUSTAINABLE WEST SEATTLE MEETUP: Don’t just despair about problems – be part of the solution! Sustainable West Seattle will make it easy for you – be at tonight’s meetup, where, among other things, you’ll meet neighbors who already are making a difference, as previewed here – see the comments, too! 7 pm at Senior Center of West Seattle. (4217 SW Oregon)
LOOK INTO THE FUTURE … via our complete calendar.
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