Welcome to a new week! Some of what’s up for the rest of your Monday, from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
SOUTHWEST SEATTLE YOUTH ALLIANCE: Noon-1 pm meeting at Neighborhood House High Point. More info on the group’s youth-wellness work is here. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)
PAN AFRICAN FESTIVAL: You’re invited to the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus every day this week, 1-3 pm, for events celebrating music, art, history, and more – full list here. (6000 16th SW)
FREE TAX HELP: Drop in @ Delridge Library between 2 and 7 pm. No appointment needed. Details in our calendar listing, including which documents to bring. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
MEATLESS MONDAY: Cooking-demo class at the West Seattle YMCA (WSB sponsor) with Chef Kim O’Donnel, 4-5 pm. Today: Cajun Blackened Tofu. Cost and other details here. (3622 SW Snoqualmie)
FRIENDS OF ROXHILL ELEMENTARY: 6 pm in the lunch room, tonight’s meeting includes “a special presentation by teacher Mike Popelka on his Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching. Last year, Mr. Popelka spent five months in the Netherlands learning about, thinking about and practicing ways to address disparities in education. How might what he learned be applied at Roxhill?” (9430 30th SW)
EVENING BOOK GROUPS: Both at 6:45 pm – West Seattle (Admiral) Library (2306 42nd SW), this month’s title is “Just Mercy” by Bryan Stevenson; at Southwest Library (9010 35th SW), this month’s title is “Mink River” by Brian Doyle.
THERE’S MORE … on our complete-calendar page.
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