(Ruby-crowned kinglet, photographed by Mark Ahlness; photo shared via WSB Flickr group)
Happy Sunday! Here’s what’s up, morning through night – from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide and Event Calendar:
SANTA PHOTOS AT CAPERS: 9 am-noon at CAPERS in The Junction. Donations benefit the West Seattle Food Bank. (4525 California SW)
SANTA AT THE SCHOOLHOUSE: Santa photos at Fauntleroy Schoolhouse, 9 am-4 pm Saturday with Gail Ann Photography. Walk-ins welcome. Packages start at $30, and 20% of all sales will be donated to the Fauntleroy Community Service Agency. (9131 California SW)
RIDE THE SANTA TROLLEY! 10 am-2 pm in The Junction, free ride with Emerald City Trolleys taking you on a loop around the Junction. Sponsored by Westside School (WSB sponsor). Catch the trolley at the south end of the Farmers’ Market. (California/Alaska)
WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Year-round market open today 10 am-2 pm. (California SW between Oregon and Alaska)
GREYHOUND MEET AND GREET: 11 am-1 pm, Greyhound Pets Inc. at Mud Bay in Admiral. (2611 California SW)
OPEN HOUSE AT MODE MUSIC AND PERFORMING ARTS: 3-6 pm, come find out about this new venture at its first open house:
Mode Music and Performing Arts (MMPA) is a new nonprofit performing arts organization based in the West Seattle neighborhood, providing classes and workshops in the Seattle area. Founded by Kristina Rowell (Studio East Education Director) and Erin Rubin (Mode Music Studios in West Seattle), MMPA is out of West Seattle and ready for launch in January of 2018.
MMPA strives to provide exciting and innovative performing-arts training. We believe that it is vital every child experience the arts and have the opportunity to create on and off stage. Our professional teaching artists are skilled at offering a wide variety of performing arts classes from acting technique to musical theater to play creation and performance.
It’s two doors down from Mode Music Studios (WSB sponsor) and next to Skylark. (3801 Delridge Way SW)
HOLIDAY SINGALONG: Songs of Christmas singalong, 3 pm. All ages, following festive refreshments at 2:30 pm, at Admiral Congregational UCC. (4320 SW Hill)
‘IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE’: Matinee today for Twelfth Night Productions‘ holiday show “It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Show.” 3:00 pm at Kenyon Hall. Get ticket(s) online at this Brown Paper Tickets link, or at the Kenyon Hall box office. (7904 35th SW)
ERYN BENT: Singer-songwriter performs at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 3-5 pm. (5612 California SW)
LADIES’ MUSICAL CLUB: Free classical concert at West Seattle (Admiral) Library, 3 pm. Program details in our calendar listing. (2306 42nd SW)
ST. NICHOLAS FAIRE: 4:30 pm-7 pm, enjoy the 9th annual St. Nicholas Faire, raising money for the West Seattle Food Bank and the West Seattle Helpline: “Appetizers and spiced cider or mulled wine, silent auction of gift baskets featuring
beer, wine, tea, kitchen items, games, puzzles, art activities, Seahawks & Mariners gear, baked goods, children’s books, etc, and gift cards from local merchants and restaurants. Plus a ring toss game and wine tasting. Lower level of First Lutheran Church of West Seattle. $5 person admission with non-perishable food item or
$15 per family with food donation for each member. If no food donation, $10 person/$25 family.” (4105 California SW)
HOLIDAY CONCERT: South Seattle College Community Choir‘s free holiday concert, 7 pm, SSC’s Olympic Hall. Park in south lot. (6000 16th SW)