WEST SEATTLE CHRISTMAS SNOW: Do you know who helped this family?

Hannah hopes someone does, so she can thank him for helping them Christmas Eve in Westwood:

We were involved in a car accident and this kind man gave us hand warmers and a warm blanket for our baby. We would love to send this man dinner to thank him for what he did for our family.

We were coming down SW Barton St and about 23rd and there were two cars in the middle of the road. In order to avoid hitting them, and we were sliding down the street we hit a pole. Baby was in the car and we are all okay. But I am hoping to thank the kind neighbor who gave us hand warmers and gave our baby a big red blanket to keep him warm. Everything was so crazy so we didn’t get a chance to thank him and I would love to bring him dinner or something. I know I probably won’t find him but it’s worth a shot.

He was wearing a light-up Seahawks Santa hat, a Seahawks jersey and had a beard. I’m assuming he lives near Barton and 23rd. if anyone hears about someone helping a family in a crash, please let me know!

2 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CHRISTMAS SNOW: Do you know who helped this family?"

  • Beth December 25, 2017 (6:47 am)

    So thankful everyone is ok! I’m afraid you may not find your kind soul…my guess is, he’s headed back north for a well deserved rest. #santaisreal 🤗🎄

  • Samantha December 25, 2017 (9:46 pm)

    I saw that man at qfc that night!

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