(WSDOT photo of road-deck-building inside the tunnel, shared via the WSB Flickr group)
One huge question that’ll finally be answered in the new year: When the Highway 99 tunnel opens, what will the tolls be?
As previewed here – and as subsequently covered by Seattle Times transportation reporter Mike Lindblom – the state Transportation Commission has just had another talk about tunnel tolls. The major issue involves balancing between the money that tolls have to raise, and the level of tolls that would lead to too much “diversion” – drivers avoiding the tunnel.
The decision is not due until next September, but Kathy e-mailed WSB to ask for more information on how to have a say now – and to ask who locally is involved in advocacy related to the toll-setting. First, if you’re looking for background info:
That’s the main slide deck presented when the Transportation Commission took up the tolling topic last week (you also can see here in PDF; a second deck with analysis is here). As noted on its timeline slide, two major “public outreach” opportunities are planned next year – April through June, after “toll scenario results” are presented, and then a public hearing after the rates are proposed in July.
If you have something you want to say now, here’s how to comment to the commission.
If you or a group you’re involved with is working on advocacy, Kathy and others would like to know – please comment (or e-mail editor@westseattleblog.com and we’ll add to the story).
P.S. If you’re wondering who’s on the commission that will make the decision – here’s that list.