(Thanksgiving Eve rainbow, photographed by Carolyn Newman)
Happy Thanksgiving! As usual, we’ve compiled info you might be looking for:
GROCERY STORES OPEN TODAY: The list is in the Thanksgiving section atop our Holiday Guide.
COFFEE SHOPS OPEN TODAY: 16 coffee shops open for at least part of today are also listed in the Thanksgiving section of our guide.
RESTAURANTS (AND BARS WITH FOOD) OPEN TODAY AND/OR TONIGHT: Here’s the list; please be aware that it is a list of who told us, when we called, that they planned to be open – always subject to last-minute change without notice to us, so please let us know if you find discrepancies – thanks!
PRE-TURKEY EXERCISE : Three options this morning, which you also will find in the Thanksgiving section atop the Holiday Guide .
WHERE TO FIND A FREE COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER: Three options this year, everyone welcome:
*The Hall at Fauntleroy, noon-3 pm (9131 California SW)
*West Seattle Church of the Nazarene, noon (4201 SW Juneau, church basement)
*West Seattle Eagles, 2 pm-5 pm (4426 California SW, banquet-room entrance off parking lot on south side of building)
AND IF YOU WANT TO HELP: You can donate a dessert to The Hall at Fauntleroy’s dinner – such as a pie and/or cookies – dropoffs are welcome between 10 am and 1 pm, same address as above (south end of the historic schoolhouse).
THANKSGIVING POTLUCK: 11 am-2 pm on the patio outside Tully’s on Alki. “Bring and share a hot dish, or salad, or dessert, bring family/friends, all are welcome.” (2676 Alki SW)
The Admiral Theater is open this afternoon/evening – see the movies/showtimes here (2343 California SW) … The West Seattle Lights music-synched light show starts tonight, 7-9 pm – bring food for the West Seattle Food Bank! (3908 SW Charlestown)
(Surf scoter, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
*Metro is on the Sunday schedule
*No Water Taxi service
*Sound Transit Route 560 is on the Sunday schedule
*Washington State Ferries‘ Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run is on its regular schedule
*Parking is free on city streets in neighborhoods with pay stations
*No trash/recycling pickup today – Thursday pickups will happen Friday; Friday pickups, on Saturday
*Seattle Parks closures for today, tomorrow
*Seattle Public Libraries closed today
Detailed info for today and beyond is in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide. We hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving! (And if you see/hear news, please text/call 206-293-6302 – thank you!)