(White-throated sparrow, photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Shop local! Our highlights for today start with selections from the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide:
TRACK FRIDAY: Now through 11 am at Hiawatha Playfield – fun way to get post-Thanksgiving exercise and do a good deed. Run/walk on a drop-in basis or participate in one of the scheduled runs. Details in our calendar listing. (2700 California SW)
DUWAMISH NATIVE HOLIDAY GIFT FAIR, 10 am-6 pm, first of three days at the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse in West Seattle. Details in our calendar listing. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)
HOLY ROSARY TREE LOT: The Holiday Guide has the full list of Christmas tree locations, and among those opening today is the Holy Rosary Tree Lot, north of the school. 10 am-9 pm. Part of this lot’s proceeds benefit West Seattle Helpline, Hickman House (domestic-violence shelter), and West Seattle Food Bank. (41st/Dakota)
SANTA PHOTOS: They start today at Westwood Village (fee) – 11 am-7 pm. Lots of other opportunities coming up this season around West Seattle, too – see the Holiday Guide for a list of what we have so far. (2600 SW Barton)
THUNDER ROAD GUITARS ANNIVERSARY: Thunder Road Guitars (WSB sponsor) is celebrating its sixth anniversary all weekend “and offering 15% off most guitars, amplifiers, and pedals.” (4736 California SW)
OTHER SHOPS WITH SALES/SPECIALS include West Seattle Cyclery (4508 California SW), Click! Design That Fits (4540 California SW; WSB sponsor); it’s Record Store Day Black Friday at Easy Street Records (California SW/SW Alaska) … it’s Free Gift Friday at Avalon Glassworks (2914 SW Avalon Way) … check out your favorite local, independent West Seattle store today, and on Shop Small Saturday tomorrow too!
WEST SEATTLE LIGHTS: The lights-synched-to-music show has its second night tonight, 5-10 pm (see the full schedule here). Bring donations for the West Seattle Food Bank – the bin’s right in front of the house. (3908 SW Charlestown)
And from the year-round WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:
CAN YOU GIVE BLOOD? Bloodworks NW needs help with a seasonal shortage and you can donate in West Seattle today, 1-7 pm at Our Lady of Guadalupe‘s Walmesley Center. (35th/Myrtle)
TINKERLAB: 2-3:30 pm all-ages STEM crafts at Southwest Library. (9010 35th SW)
THE CASTAWAYS: Ukulele band that does NOT play Hawaiian music! Tonight at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)
GENTLEMEN OF LEISURE, HARPER CONSPIRACY: 8 pm at The Skylark. $8 cover. 21+. (3803 Delridge Way SW)