month : 09/2017 302 results

WEST SEATTLE LABOR DAY 2017: What you need to know

(Thanks to David Hutchinson for the photo sequence of a bald eagle fishing at Weather Watch Park recently)

No traffic report this morning (check cameras here) because of the holiday – but before we get to the day’s events, here’s what you need to know about transit/transportation:

METRO: Buses are on Sunday schedules.
WATER TAXI: West Seattle runs on its Sunday schedule; Vashon is not running.
WASHINGTON STATE FERRIES: Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth is on the weekend 2-boat schedule.
SOUND TRANSIT: The 560 Express bus is on a Sunday schedule.
STREET PARKING: In neighborhoods with city pay stations/metering, today is a “free parking day.”

Here’s open/closed info for the holiday:

WADING POOL & SPRAYPARK: Last day of the season – Lincoln Park wading pool and Highland Park spraypark are both open 11 am-8 pm.
REGULAR SOLID WASTE PICKUP? If you are a Monday customer, yes.

From our calendar:

SEATTLE LABOR RIDE/POKER RUN: Join City Councilmember Lisa Herbold on a motorcycle ride and “poker run” celebrating the history of the labor movement and benefiting the Labor Archives of Washington – starts at Chelan Café in West Seattle at 9 am, with registration starting at 8 am – full details in our preview. All riders welcome, any size motorcycle or scooter. (3527 Chelan SW)

PANCAKE BREAKFAST AND OPEN HOUSE: 9 am-noon pancake breakfast, noon-3 pm open house at the newly renovated Disabled American Veterans hall in North Delridge – details in our preview. (4857 Delridge Way SW)

CORNHOLE TOURNAMENT FOR CHARITY: Noon at The Bridge, play cornhole for prizes, with entry fees benefiting Shamrock Charities. (California/Graham)

FINAL DAY FOR ALKI LIGHTHOUSE TOURS: The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary‘s final day this year to host free tours of the historic lighthouse is today. 1-4 pm – be there by 3:40 pm to be sure you get in. (3201 Alki SW)

And in case you missed it – looking ahead to the rest of the week:

FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: Most local schools that haven’t already started classes will do so tomorrow or Wednesday. Here’s the list.

Have a great Labor Day! If there’s breaking news, best way to tip us is text/voice at 206-293-6302, 24/7 – thank you!

FOLLOWUP: What’s next for Delridge Grocery Cooperative after this week’s ‘town hall’

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

As Delridge grows and changes, one thing has remained the same: Its lack of a grocery store.

What is now the Delridge Grocery Cooperative has been working on that for years. And its board members were heartened to see the latest sign of interest – a full room at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center for the co-op’s “town hall” this past Wednesday.

As noted in our preview published two nights earlier, the centerpiece of the meeting was the unveiling of the Delridge Grocery Co-op “market study,” professionally conducted research that had to be done before they apply again for the loan that’s needed to get the store open in its long-reserved space at 5444 Delridge Way SW.

There to hear about it, and ask questions, was a roomful of people from longtime co-op members to former board members to current board members, even newly interested neighbors saying they “just want to help.”

And it will take all that help, and more, to make the dream of a store finish coming true. “When we cut the ribbon, I’m riding in on a white horse,” joked Delridge Grocery board president Andrea Wilmot.

Here’s what was reported, asked, and answered during the hour-plus-long meeting:

Read More

WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: ‘Heat Advisory’ alert for Monday, Tuesday

6:43 PM: Yes, we know sunspots don’t really affect Earth weather, but the photo David Hutchinson sent today still seemed a fitting image to go with news of a weather alert for the next two days. The National Weather Service has issued a “Heat Advisory for noon Monday through 10 pm Tuesday, saying the high temperature both days could get into the mid-90s. The forecast for both days also mentions “areas of smoke.”

P.S. Back to the sunspots – David points us to for the explanation.

7:59 PM: Tonight brought a gorgeous sunset – James Bratsanos captured the color:

8:39 AM: And from the next generation of photos in James’s family, Ellie Bratsanos took this one:

READER REPORT: The case of the white Kia, in pieces

September 3, 2017 4:53 pm
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First Lorraine in Arbor Heights sent that photo, reporting, “Kia car hood on lawn, just west of California SW and SW 98th, after loud scraping and crash noises early this morning.” We asked for a larger version before publishing, and that came in this afternoon with an update: “The rest of the completely stripped Kia car, sans engine, was dumped a couple blocks down the hill on 44th Ave SW, and the police have already taken action.”

GET READY! 3 weeks until fall Recycle Roundup at Fauntleroy Church

Got a little spare time this holiday weekend? See if you have anything to drop off at the upcoming fall edition of Fauntleroy Church‘s legendary Recycle Roundup. Above (or here, in PDF), you can see the list of what 1 Green Planet will (and won’t) be accepting this time around. When the big day arrives (Sunday, September 24th), just walk/ride/drive into the church parking lot at 9140 California SW, 9 am-3 pm, and drop off your item(s). It’s free, though of course the church’s Green Committee will gladly accept donations to help cover their costs for this twice-a-year community event.

UPDATE: Benefit bake sale – and lemonade! – for Hurricane Harvey survivors

11:47 AM: ‘Epic!’ is how proud mom Alex describes the fresh-baked-treats-and-lemonade sale that her daughter Ysabel and friends have going right now at the northeast corner of California and Portland in Gatewood [map], raising money to help Hurricane Harvey storm survivors in Texas. The treats, baked with big help from Ysabel’s dad, include Texas-shaped cookies:

Running things when we stopped by were Ysabel, below right, with Quincy at left and Sam in front:

As mentioned in our preview, Ysabel has had benefit bake sales before; her mom’s matching proceeds and family employers will be matching too. The sale is scheduled to go until 2 pm but that of course is “while supplies last,” so stop by soon if you haven’t already!

3:37 PM: This comment has an update, and thanks, from Ysabel’s dad – including the grand total, pre-matches, of $1,249.08!

WEST SEATTLE HOLIDAYS: Application time for Fauntleroy, Junction events

September 3, 2017 11:24 am
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news

The winter holidays are not that far away, and two holiday events are already inviting you to apply:


The Fauntleroy Fine Art and Holiday Gift Show highlights the creativity of fine artists and crafters, working in any medium. Applicants must be a resident of, or have studio space in, West Seattle (Vashon residents are also welcome to apply). Painters, glass artists, printmakers, photographers, sculptors, fiber artists and crafters who exhibit a high level of creativity are encouraged to apply. Apply at by September 17th.


Holiday Bazaar, Saturday, November 25, 9 AM -4 PM, Alki Masonic Center, 4736 40th SW. Vendor tables available; early-bird vendor discount until October 1st. Application link:

If you’re doing early planning for holiday events like these, let us know!

West Seattle Sunday: Benefit bake sale; lighthouse tours; more…

September 3, 2017 7:25 am
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 |   West Seattle news | WS miscellaneous

Good morning! As the holiday weekend continues, here are today’s highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

BENEFIT FOR HARVEY SURVIVORS: As previewed here Friday, Ysabel and her family are selling fresh-baked treats and lemonade 10 am-2 pm to raise money for Harvey survivors in Texas. Proceeds will be matched, and then some. (California SW & SW Portland, NE corner)

WEST SEATTLE FARMERS’ MARKET: Every Sunday, year-round – go see what’s fresh, in the street in The Junction, 10 am-2 pm. (California SW between Oregon and Alaska)

EX-3.14 BAKERY EQUIPMENT SALE: 10 am-4 pm, second day of the two-day equipment/fixtures/etc. sale by the new tenants of this White Center space that will become the Brass Knuckle Bistro. (9602 16th SW)

WADING POOL AND SPRAYPARK: Today and tomorrow are your last chances to visit the only West Seattle wading pool still open for the season, Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way), as well as Highland Park spraypark (1100 SW Cloverdale), both open 11 am-8 pm.

ALKI LIGHTHOUSE TOURS, FINAL WEEKEND: Second-to-last 2017 chance today to tour the historic lighthouse, free, with the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. 1-4 pm, arrive by 3:40 pm to be in the last group admitted. (3201 Alki SW)

LIVE MUSIC: Counterproductive, Sam Foster, Mia Huber, Broken Toe at The Skylark, 6-9 pm. $5 cover. All ages. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

BACK TO SCHOOL: Milestone for Louisa Boren STEM K-8

September 2, 2017 9:11 pm
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 |   Delridge | West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

Over the next few days, we’ll be publishing a variety of back-to-school updates, since most schools will start classes next week (if they haven’t started already – here’s the list we compiled).

Tonight – we’re noting that this year brings a milestone for Louisa Boren STEM K-8: Starting with 2017-2018, it’s finally a full-fledged K-8, adding the final grade level of middle school. This Seattle Public Schools “option school” opened in fall 2012 as STEM K-5, then three years later not only formally started the roll-up to add middle school, but also added Louisa Boren to its name, after the namesake of the building at 5950 Delridge Way SW, known as Louisa Boren Junior High School when it opened in 1963. The expansion announcement we published in 2015 noted, in part:

… It’s fitting that STEM K-8 is located in the Louisa Boren building because Louisa herself loved science, particularly chemistry, botany and astronomy. “Liza” had a love of learning and a natural curiosity about the world.

Louisa Boren’s legacy continues today. Not only in the city of Seattle and the brave pioneering spirit she engendered, but also in her hard work supporting the women’s suffrage movement and her advocacy for Chinese workers settling in the area. …

Speaking of the building, one issue remains unresolved as the new school year begins Wednesday: The district raised the spectre before the end of last year that the school might be moved so that SPS could return the Boren building to its previous use as an “interim site.” That was the subject of a raucous meeting three months ago; we asked school district spokesperson Tom Redman about a month ago where that stood, and he replied, “We told the June community meeting attendees we would report back with an update in either August or September.” Since August has come and gone without an update, looks like that means we’ll hear something this month.

P.S. The SPS change to a two-tier schedule means a big change for STEM K-8 this year; they were one of the few left on the now-abolished third tier, so the 8:55 am start time this year is significantly earlier than last year. School will be out 3:25 pm Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays; district-wide, Wednesdays are early-release days, and STEM K-8 will be out at 2:10 pm those days (except for the first day of school).

P.P.S. Anything major/new at YOUR school this year? We’d love to hear about it – – thank you!

About the helicopter search in Westwood

September 2, 2017 6:34 pm
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 |   Helicopter | West Seattle news | West Seattle police | Westwood

6:34 PM: Thanks for the texts and calls. The Guardian One helicopter’s search in the Westwood area is over and the crew has explained via Twitter: “Located a missing developmentally delayed juvenile for @SeattlePD near 2800 SW Thistle.”

6:43 PM: We have since confirmed this with police on the ground, near Southwest Community Center. They said the call originally came in as a possible runaway; the juvenile and their mom have since been reunited.

BIZNOTES: Supreme; Starbucks; Alki Urban Market

Three biznotes to share:

SUPREME PROGRESS: Thanks to the texter who let us know that signage starting to appear on the exterior of the future Supreme, pizza, pinball, and more from Ma’Ono and New Luck Toy chef/co-proprietor Mark Fuller. We stopped by and got a peek as remodeling continues:

This space is the former Pellegrini Market (4521 California SW).

STARBUCKS WEST SEATTLE DRIVE-THRU REMODELING: Back in March, we reported that online records showed remodeling work was on the way for the drive-thru Starbucks at Fauntleroy/Avalon/35th in West Seattle. The company wouldn’t comment. But now a sign’s up alerting customers that the work is starting.

Thanks to Anna for the photo.

ALKI URBAN MARKET: A few months back, a reader told us the convenience store at 2820 Alki SW, open almost 10 years, was going to close at summer’s end. We tried but couldn’t get the owner to confirm. Now, at summer’s end, it apparently has indeed shut down – after reader tips, we went over to look, and while there’s no sign on the door, the store is dark and the shelves are empty. No indication in public records of what’s happening in the space next.

HIGH-SCHOOL SPORTS: Seattle Lutheran HS fundraising dinner

September 2, 2017 2:02 pm
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As we’ve been reporting, fall high-school sports season has begun. Along with attending games, you have other opportunities to support local student-athletes – like this one coming up at Seattle Lutheran High School:


Guest Speaker is former Seattle SuperSonic and Legend Donald “Slick” Watts! Mr. Watts is an icon and legend in the city of Seattle as a former member of the SuperSonics from 1973-78. After retiring from basketball, he became a physical education teacher and coach in the Seattle area. Join us in the gym for dinner, dessert, and community! It’s a great way to support our student athletes and to kick off the 2017-18 season. Tickets are $15, children $5, SLHS students are free. Dinner will be in the gym, hosted by the Seattle Lutheran Booster Club. You can purchase tickets for $15 in advance or at the door.

Order online here. Please RSVP no later than Tuesday, September 5.

SLHS is at 4100 SW Genesee.

VIDEO: Four West Seattleites’ World War II memories

The video is from Mark Jaroslaw, a local video journalist who was asked by the Senior Center of West Seattle to record four local residents’ memories of World War II, in connection with today’s 72nd anniversary of its end. These aren’t military memories – though one participant did join the U.S. Coast Guard during the war – just everyday citizens, including two who lived in Europe at the time. Mark shared the 8-minute video with us and we’re sharing it with you.

What’s up for your West Seattle Saturday

September 2, 2017 6:59 am
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Good morning! Relatively quiet Saturday on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

ADMIRAL ADOPT-A-STREET CLEANUP: Join the Admiral Neighborhood Association‘s quarterly cleanup 9 am-noon, with treats at the start and sack lunch at the end. Meet at Metropolitan Market (WSB sponsor). All ages welcome; tools and bags provided. (41st/42nd/Admiral)

TAI CHI ON THE BEACH: 9 am, next to the Alki Statue of Liberty – details in our calendar listing. (61st SW/Alki SW)

EX-3.14 BAKERY EQUIPMENT SALE: 10 am-4 pm, first day of the two-day sale by the new tenants of this space in downtown White Center, just before they start converting it into the Brass Knuckle Bistro.

There will be bake wares of every kind, pots & pans, blenders, food processor, mini fridge, microwave, commercial shelf size convection oven as well as Garland half size commercial convection oven, dishes, glasses, cups, cutlery, utensils, coffee makers, café curtains, tension rods & new blinds, ceiling fans, light fixtures, linens (table cloths), Display cases ( wood, Glass & locking) Bakery Dry display Cases as well as a “Show Off” pie cooler display (Very Retro and very cool), wooden chairs 20, Freezer, espresso machine, grinders & coffee supplies, bakery supplies, cash register, rice cooker, silk flowers, display & decorations, children’s toys & books, a couch, side & coffee tables, SS commercial sinks (2 sizes), a Beverage Air refrigerated case, and more.

(9602 16th SW)

WHITE CENTER LIBRARY GUILD SIDEWALK SALE: Also in White Center, Library Guild volunteers are having their annual fundraiser sale, 10 am-2 pm. (1409 SW 107th)

WADING POOL AND SPRAYPARK: Third-to-last day for the only West Seattle wading pool still open for the season is Lincoln Park (8011 Fauntleroy Way) and for Highland Park spraypark (1100 SW Cloverdale), both open daily through Labor Day.

VIETNAMESE STORY TIME: 11:30 am-noon at Delridge Library. (5423 Delridge Way SW)

ALKI LIGHTHOUSE TOURS, FINAL WEEKEND: Today, Sunday, and Monday bring your final 2017 chances to tour the historic lighthouse, free, with the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. 1-4 pm, arrive by 3:40 pm to be in the last group admitted. (3201 Alki SW)

AT C & P COFFEE COMPANY: Singer-songwriter Philip Mariconda, 7-9 pm. (5612 California SW)

AT PARLIAMENT TAVERN: Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo, Buff Muff, Professor Sweater, 9 pm-midnight. $5 cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)

FOOTBALL: West Seattle High School opens season at home vs. Washougal

(WSB photos. Above, #11 Cyrus Storlie with the ball)

School doesn’t start until Wednesday, but high-school football season got going tonight. West Seattle High School hosted Washougal, from Clark County, at Southwest Athletic Complex. It was the first game for new head coach Marcis Fennell:

The visitors went home with the win, 54-0. That was also the halftime score; the Wildcats held the Panthers scoreless for the entire second half. Long before the season started, parents and administrators worked to make this a year of revitalization, raising money through gear:

That’s athletic director Corey Sorenson modeling some of what was available. Also seen at the stadium, new WSHS principal Brian Vance, and new girls-soccer coach Todd Veenhuizen:

In the stands, fans found reasons to cheer:

Next Friday, WSHS is on the road.

(#22 Rylee Farrison, #76 Roman Saladino, #28 Quinn Sadow)

The Wildcats will play Ingraham at 7 pm Friday (September 8th) at Northwest Athletic Complex.

FOOTBALL: Chief Sealth starts season with on-the-road win over Evergreen

Thanks to Jon Anderson for the report from Highline Memorial Stadium in Burien, where Chief Sealth International High School opened football season with a big win:

Chief Sealth Seahawks dominated both sides of the ball tonight in a landslide victory over Evergreen.

The game was called by Evergreen after 68 points were put on the scoreboard for Sealth.

Final tonight at Highline Stadium, 68-0.

Way to go, Seahawks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Head coach Ted Rodgriguez‘s team will be home next Friday night (September 8th) at Southwest Athletic Complex (2801 SW Thistle), 7 pm, vs. Decatur.


FRIDAY: That photo is from 2013, when Ysabel raised money for typhoon relief in the Philippines. In 2014, she raised money for Oso mudslide victims. Last year, she and friends raised money for Louisiana flood relief. And this Sunday, she’ll be selling treats and lemonade to help the Red Cross help Hurricane Harvey flooding survivors. Stop by the northeast corner of California and Portland in Gatewood 10 am-2 pm on Sunday (September 3rd) to buy goodies she’ll be making with her dad (who her mom describes as “a wonderful baker”). Whatever she raises will be matched by mom Alex, and that donation in turn will be submitted for Tableau and Starbucks matches. We’ll remind you again Sunday morning!

ADDED SATURDAY: Alex sent photos of baking in progress:

And the results being stored for the sale:

About the north West Seattle helicopter search

7:16 PM: Thanks for all the texts – we were en route somewhere else when we got word that a helicopter was over north West Seattle, and as soon as we verified via flight-tracker that it was Guardian One, we headed that way in hopes of finding police on the ground who could tell us what was going on. But the helicopter left as soon as we arrived in the area, and we couldn’t find officers on the ground. However, Guardian One does sometimes tweet a brief mention of what they were doing, once they’re clear, and they have just tweeted this:

If we find out anything more, we’ll let you know.

7:24 PM: We just stopped by the precinct to ask. What happened was that a man with dementia had wandered away. He has since been found and is OK.

Bicycle rider hit by driver in Junction, not seriously hurt

Thanks to everyone who messaged us about a collision at 42nd and Alaska a short time ago – a bicycle rider was hit by a driver, but not seriously hurt, and did not need to be taken to the hospital. Seattle Fire cleared the scene relatively quickly, shortly after we arrived, and police weren’t going to be there much longer either.

FERRY ALERT: 2-hour wait at Fauntleroy; helicopters visit

As was the case during the other pre-holiday Friday afternoons this summer, TV helicopters have been hovering over the Fauntleroy ferry dock – first, the KING/KOMO helicopter around 3 pm, and right now the KIRO helicopter. Fridays have been difficult even without holiday traffic, as Vashon-bound riders are acutely aware, with Washington State Ferries continuing to struggle with attempts to improve loading times, but today has an extra problem – the route remains on a 2-boat schedule because vessel problems have left the system painfully short on backups. WSF says boats are running up to half an hour behind that schedule right now, too.

FOLLOWUP: Enforcement @ new 59th/Admiral all-way stop

The new all-way stop at 59th SW/SW Admiral Way has been a hot topic, with some commenters observing that some drivers are just rolling right through it. Those complaints drew Seattle Police enforcement today – we received multiple reports, including the photo, sent by Tim. He spoke to the motorcycle officer, who told him that they had indeed been getting a lot of complaints about stop-sign-runners since the intersection was changed late Tuesday night.

FOLLOWUP: West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival 2017 Chili Cookoff lineup set!

September 1, 2017 2:06 pm
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 |   West Seattle festivals | West Seattle news

(WSB photo)

That’s the trophy that’ll go to the winner – chosen by you! – in the Chili Cookoff at this year’s West Seattle Junction Harvest Festival, coming up Sunday, October 29th, 10 am-2 pm. We published the call for entries last week, and today, Junction Association executive director Lora Swift tells us the competition lineup is set – here’s the list she sent:

Elliott Bay Brewing Company
Husky Deli
Easy Street Café
Brookdale Senior Living
The Westy Sports and Spirits
(WSB sponsor)
Duos Lounge
Pecos Pit
(WSB sponsor)
Girls Gone BBQ
Fresh Bistro

The Westy is the defending champ. The Chili Cookoff raises money for the West Seattle Food Bank – you get to vote by buying a flight for $10 (that includes samples from all nine participant) and voting for your favorite. It’ll start at 11 am on festival day, on the KeyBank (southwest) corner of California/Alaska, and continues while supplies last,

P.S. The rest of the festival lineup is finalized too, and we’ve added it to our calendar listing – go there for a sneak peek!

READER REPORT: Another new all-way stop in West Seattle – 45th/Spokane

This intersection change, unlike 59th/Admiral, was not accompanied by an SDOT announcement – so thank you to the person who just texted that photo and the news: 45th and Spokane, on the southeast end of the Madison Middle School campus, has been converted to an all-way stop. The texter says this follows two years of advocacy by parent Stephanie Kimball and will have a “huge” effect on “start/end of school chaos.” The intersection also has seen failure-to-yield crashes over the years, like this one.